They bay boat topic got me to thinking...
I'd start with a bass boat layout...for me, it'd be 18 - 19 ft long, 150, 200 HP. 4 stroke...or maybe 2...I want quiet, good on gas, low operating costs. I don't need, or want more than that in the water I fish...don't need to go 70+ in a boat either, not on the NW WI, MN and Canadian water I fish.
It'd be set up to run shallow...but not be a PITA on big water like LOTW.
Aluminum hull for many BAMF rocks where I fish...and it's lighter to pull with a smaller vehicle...which saves me $$$ on MPG for the 90% of the time I'm not pulling my boat.
I'd take the two side consoles, shove them into the middle so I could easily work around the outside of the boat for both casting and lading bigger fish. This would sacrifice a center rod locker, but it'd open the potential for really long rod storage along the outsides of the boat...I fish for Musky...and I fly fish a 9 ft. + rod storage would be good.
Seating for three or four? Don't need it. Rather have the under-deck storage.
That would move the outside storage to the center...and there'd be more of it, because rod tips don' take up that much room.
I'd rig the boat for 36 volt trolling motor...go 24 if you want, but I fish too many long days in current to give up my 36 volt system. Three batteries, low and center would get it done for that. Two more batteries, one for the motor, one for the electronics would round out the batteries...too bad they don't make a 5 bank a 3 bank and a two bank would get that done.
No live well for me, I don't keep fish (this isn't a life-style statement or a criticism, I'm alergic). Convert that space to storage.
Electronics...big screen at console, mall one up front. Big stuff stuff grabs fly lines. That's bad on my boat.
Retractable or collapsible rope cleats, see above, re - fly lines.
A shallow water anchor on one side at the back, Humminbird 360° on the other. No kicker...I don't care for trolling.
Trailer...single axle, bunk style, side guides, two spares, steps as far around the outside as I could get. 15" wheels, minimum.
I'd love to see what others would do...let's not bash other guys' choices, just talk about what trips our triggers and why.