Eventually, yes...but even one quality "musky rod" with a good reel is going to be hundreds of dollars.
If the bug bites, we all wind up there (I have 30+ fly rods, the bulk of which are 8 wt. and up for "big game, and even more gear rods, two boats, thousands of lures and flies, equipment and material for making my own lures, baits and flies...) but the first thing is to figure out if this game is even our thing.
Some folks don't enjoy the grind.
Of course they do...sometimes. Other times, a 5" Smokin' Rooster or #5 Mepps is they key. We've all seen the eat where a fish has refused one size...than clobbered the other on the first presentation on the first cast.
I spent a week in Canada with a dedicated musky angler once, early June. Muskies were not eating big lures, and he couldn't convince himself to downsize. He went fishless, other than a couple medium sized pike, while I boated nine muskies for the week between 35 and 48" on nothing lager than the 1 1/8 Doctor Spoon.