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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. I haven't bought any of the most recent series of TFO conventional rods...but I have a bunch of their rods. I like them a lot, and keep buying them - I feel they are an unrecognized deal - great rods for less than cutting edge pricing. I have a bunch of TFO fly rods as well...which absolutely put the lie to the idea that fly fishing has to be expensive.
  2. I have both Revo Rockets and a first generation Tatulas. For flipping, I prefer the Rocket...but not by much, and I like it because of the speed that you don't like. Not sure that helps much.
  3. The key to really good, relatively inexpensive waders is to not go with current "models". Look for last year's versions, etc. Allen makes some great waders (mine are on their 4th season, and I wade a lot, both here in WI and out west). Don't get sucked into the idea that you have to pay hundreds of dollars for wadres that are comfortable and last. I have never paid more than $150 for a set of waders. I buy stocking foot waders, then go with wading boots, so take that into the calculation. One thing you do not want is cheap wading boots...but again, you can get very, very good pricing on last year's versions. Check Sierra Trading Post. http://www.sierratradingpost.com/waders~d~243/ ...and http://www.sierratradingpost.com/wading-boots~d~244/
  4. That would work...I can haul the box out to the island we're based on, replenish each day...Only have to drag it back and forth to the truck once.
  5. Thanks - I Need to do a better job of taking less soft plastics out in the boat. Not sure I can abide by the five-of-each rule, but maybe 10 in situations where I'll be back home every night. What are folks doing on extended trips in places where you're not going to find the baits you want to use? I spend a week in Canada every summer, and I'll easily go through 10 of my favorites a day.
  6. My "baby girl" turned 18 last October. Dude has no idea what the #$%^ he's talking about. Not worth bruising knuckles on his skull, or twisting an ankle helping him hit the high notes. Smile, nod, ask him about his Mom...move on.
  7. Take your time, Glenn. I wasn't complaining, just offering feedback. I'll live with whatever you decide is best.
  8. Same here. That is, in fact, the norm for FG knots for me.
  9. Tried it. Don't like. Still cannot come up with a single good reason why it's a good idea to switch hands before I start reeling...
  10. OK...more feedback...the ad that vaults into the middle of the screen...annoying. I get that sponsoring advertisers want space front and center...but that's almost as annoying as the thingy on photobucket that has me considering moving all my photos...
  11. Good stuff - thanks!
  12. I tie FG knots on the water all the time. They are a little time consuming, but worth the effort in my estimation.
  13. I've had both as well...I'd buy the Terrova every time if only for the deployment system. What kind of bat are you considering a 55 lb. trolling motor for?
  14. First time I've seen it. made me smile...I do stuff like that all the time.
  15. Got it, thanks...to me that's just part of the purchase price.
  16. I've heard this on all kinds of different forums...but never experienced it. Boats need maintenance, just like cars and trucks. I plan for it, make sure it gets done, add a little for misc. stuff...works out well for me.
  17. Lod Rockers? I even had my wife and daughter listen. Darn it all. Now I need something else in my boat.
  18. Really well said. Here's my bet: with new versions of the Terrova, Ulterra hitting the market, and the new Ultrex on the market...there's going to be a ton of used Terrovas and Ulterras on the market between now and summer. Stalk Craigslist, maybe E-Bay...move fast when what you want comes up for a good price. I just bought a new Ulterra last spring...I will not be one of the Gomers selling this year (it works just fine and the improvements are not worth taking a beating for)...but you know how a lot of fishermen are...gotta have the newest/best. Take advantage of that.
  19. 70, every time. Or more. Can't have too much thrust. See above. Can't have too much. Hey...what's a little fire among good friends?
  20. Even as a "bank beater" Link can be pretty great: There is a feature that lets you follow a contour at an offset: You pick a depth, then tell it to follow that depth at a distance of sixty feet (or whatever you're comfortable with). When I started this, I used the zero ft. line, experience taught me that 1 ft. or 2 ft. gave me better results...I just set the offset for a little less. Spot Lock. Run from the HB unit. Go there, stay there...'Nuff said. There's other stuff...I've had both, wouldn't go back to just iPilot unless I had to.
  21. Cabela's was a great store back when they were privately held...I could walk into any store and get lost in their Gun Library for a couple hours. That's gone now...the Gun Libraries...places where you'd often find people who could tell an Arietta from an AyA from a Poli...gone. but they are still good stores... Just not great any more. NOt sure what the merger will bring...but I'm doubting it'll go back to where it was.
  22. Yup. It's not nearly as hard as a lot of people seem to want to make it.
  23. I've caught more muskies (and pike) on what most folks use for bass fishing than I'll ever catch on the specialized musky rigs. I remain unconvinced that huge lures are needed...or even that they produce more fish...or bigger fish. A hungry Esox is gonna eat...you put what they think is food in front of them...or what ticks them off...you're good to go.
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