Hi guys. Im sure some of you will find this hilarious, but after searching the web i still haven't found my answer so i have to ask. I've never used my livewell before, and i just replaced all the hoses, clamps, and aerator pump, as well as the flowrite valve. I would like to get a general understanding of its operation before use and so i dont swamp my boat!
My fill and drain are both the same hose at the bottom of the well, with a flowrite manual open close valve. The aerator pumps in surface water for oxygen. If the tank overfills, it exits via the overfill drain towards the top of the well. Is this correct?
My question is, and this may sound silly, i open the fill valve until its full, then close the valve, correct? Otherwise, water will keep coming until i sink? Or do i leave it open and the overfill drain prevents that?