The commercial is not offensive, it's humans in thier natural state...not even showing the so called "offensive parts." Parents should teach thier kids that nudity is not a big deal and is natural instead of saying "Nudity is bad, nudity leads to sex which is also bad." Instead of teaching kids the differences these days it seems parents are more inclined to just label something as inappropriate or bad and move on, while the kids still are curious about the matter and go learn it on thier own with skewed views.
For the people that mentioned gangsta rap corrupting thier youth I can't help but laugh. I've listened to "gangsta" (lol since when is all rap gangsta rap?) rap since I was 10 years old and was taught the difference between MUSIC aka ENTERTAINMENT and real life. Just because someone raps about crack cocaine doesn't mean I am gonna go try it, why not you ask? because I knew better and knew it was just lyrics in a song that mean absolutely nothing. It's up to parents to teach thier kids stuff like this because rap is here to stay and you can't force your children to listen to certain kinds of music, music is one of those things everyone has a different opinion on. Tell your kids that these guys are just saying these things because it's what sells, they are entertainers just like any other musician and are doing it to make a living and make money, not to corrupt your youth or to get them to do drugs and join gangs.
Sorry but I get irritated when parents put the blame on outside influences corrupting thier children when it's the parents job to teach them right from wrong in the first place. These are just my opinions, if I offended anyone (which seems pretty easy to do lately seeing as people blow things way out of proportion) I apologize.