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Everything posted by Jake_M123

  1. Trust me guys the color defiantly plays a factor may not be a huge one but it does. The waters I fish are gin clear so if I throw non natural color I may get bit by the small undersized bass and not a lot . But when I throw a natural color I will get bit at least at a 5-1 ratio. As to getting quality compared to quantity I will throw a jig and I can usually get that bigger bite I'm looking for in a tournament. Put it this way all stick-baits worms work it's just a matter of conditions that cause the bites.
  2. I use both I find the trick is the senkos have an oil on them I assume some sorts of attractant . So what I do withe shim e sticks is add some bass attractant and man let me tell you give them a few days to fully absorb the sent and they will out fish senkos 4-1 and it's a hell of a lot cheaper. Here in Rhode Island I like to throw the green pumpkin black flake . I have fished both extensively
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