Well, on day two of fishing this weekend, I realized that I couldn't find my deep crankbaits box, meaning it's somewhere in or around either the Susquehanna River or Harvey's Lake. If you're a Good Samaritan and stumble across a Plano Deep box loaded with DT10s, DT14s, DT16s, and several XDs you can obviously reach me here to return it. If not, you're welcome, lol. In addition to losing well over $100 worth of tackle, and enduring three of the most frustrating days on the water I can remember, snapped a solid 4" off the tip of my jig rod, and had a "water resistant" phone die after a brief swim in Pine Creek while trying to cast dry flies in 20 mph winds. The phone was especially excruciating because it came after snapping off a big brown and watching close to a dozen more refuse my flies at the surface. This weekend sucked and is the most expensive and least fruitful fishing weekend I can remember, but at least I spent 3 days on the water and not working, coaching, or any of the other 10,000 things I've been busy with every weekend so far this year.
BTW, have any of you guys broken a Rage since they've been discontinued? What has St. Croix's replacement policy been? Discounted upgrade?
Anyone else make a contribution to the fishing gods recently that would make me feel less angry? lol