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About FishNFire

  • Birthday 12/08/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Dayton OH, Lake Cumberland KY</p>
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Spotted
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>Lake Cumberland KY</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>Red Sox Baseball, Packers Football, The Walking Dead TV Show, computer and console games (PS4)</p>

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  1. I like the format it is definitely more TV friendly but I think that's what the sport needs to really grow is a more TV friendly broadcast. I think there is a real possibility of the MLF growing to be the future of the sport (later than sooner) with some small refinements maybe but I could see the potential. I could even "see a "team" aspect being beneficial if there is a way to make maybe 4 man teams with coach's kind of directing things from the "bench" just a wild thought and spin on the idea, just think of the possibilities. I know there is a lot of hurdles with TV production and the current formats but I still think that not having a well produced "live" element to the tournaments hurts. I know they have tried it before but I honestly believe that its more to do with how it is produced more than what the show is that has hurt it more than anything. Lets face it we all want to learn something from it, we want to get something out of the product that's on TV. With the growing use of GoPro cameras I find it hard to believe that you couldn't televise the last 2-3 hours of the last 2 days or even just the last day of the tournaments. You could use footage from earlier in the day to fill in gaps in action the last couple hours. Then of course have good in depth features with anglers giving tips and information about how the lake is being fished or techniques being used and how to's to help fill in time as well. I know me personally I have a hard time watching the tournament footage when they try to build up drama in the show but the problem is you already know who wins because the footage airs 2 weeks after the fact. By the time it airs they are already fishing the next go round by that point its hard to be interested in my opinion. I just like how the MLF format makes it a little more "sporty" trying to make it more viewer friendly and MLB, NFL, NHL like with the penalties and periods trying to add a little more major sport legitimacy to attract maybe a younger crowd and grow the sport even beyond what the high school and college fishing is doing.
  2. Some good ideas in here especially liked your post Justin exactly the kind of stuff I am looking for and some stuff to think about that are small and easy ways to enhance the sales and information provided.
  3. I recently took on a new job at DSG (Dick's Sporting Goods) as part of this I have kind of tried to think about some things that I thought would enhance the experience of fisherman coming in, after all they got their start in fishing tackle. I was just curious what some of you thought might be something that you would like to see. Obviously there are restrictions in terms of selection based on store size so not a lot that can be done there. Instead here are some of what I was thinking.. 1 Fishing seminars on knots, techniques, rigging setups, reel maintenance, storage. Things like that and combining topics of course. 2 Tackle making ideas and supplies (if they can be obtained to the store) 3 Having a wall of fame with pictures of fish and description of how they were caught i.e. lure, technique, presentation... offer up a $10 coupon to anyone that participates. 4 try to participate in local bass clubs and tourneys giving away coupons or doing seminars out there Just a couple ideas I had and I have more but I am interested in what kind of stuff you would like to see from a store if anything at all.
  4. Let me start by saying I just got a PT job at DSG start next Monday, in the fishing dept of course, ill start another topic on some questions I have though about what would be some good ideas to bring people in to the store I would appreciate feedback on it (I don't want to inadvertently hijack this thread). So for me even before the job I mostly went to DSG even though I did have a Gander across the street from the Dick's store. I didn't care for the customer service at my Gander store couple different people there were kind of on the rude/condescending side. About the only reason I would go there now is if I couldn't find a particular rod and reel at DSG or because they have a little better selection on the terminal stuff. Which I have noticed that the "bigger" DSG that is about 15 mins away from me does have a lot better selection of stuff. I have gone to BPS but that's a hour away its a older store too, I did like it just not real convenient in terms of distance. They did just open a brand new Field and Stream store about a 1/2 hour away and I have to say I was pretty impressed with it. I cant speak for the service because it was grand opening week and there is a ton of people working so though it was good for now of course have to wait and see how it shakes out when things slow down and they are running minimum staffing. I did like the layout though and they do carry everything that the big stores do, we will have to see what kind of impact if any they can have on the market but for now seems like a nice enough store. Think of it as the DSG you always thought it should be it is run under the same corporate umbrella.
  5. I wouldn't mind hearing more about this, I fish on a lake that has good smallmouth population, being newer to bass fishing I have spent most my time targeting the spots and largemouth. I would like to get into focusing more on smallmouth but not real sure about bait choice and size to use.
  6. Interesting topic for sure since I am sitting in almost exactly the same spot myself experience wise and all. I do have a question though as it relates to the "Link" with a boater. What does it mean to have a link and if you get one does it mean you fish with that person or does it just guarantee that you get in the tourney? is it something I need to be concerned with finding or will just registering be good enough. I was thinking of doing some low level FLW events to test the waters with I have fished for years just not for bass exclusively until the past year and a half. Sorry to kind of jump in but this thread caught my eye.
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