OK so I read the entire article. It was difficult but I managed through it. I suggest everybody on this forum read it, and have your mind focused on your own experience as you do so. The ONLY thing I found worthwhile in that article was his referrence to Bruce Samson (Dr Sonar). The author undoubtedly has a strong knowledge of industrial Ultra-Sound but, 10,000 hours squinting at a sonar screen does NOT an expert make! He never qualified himself other than sitting in front of the screen for many hours and tying those hours into his industrial Ultra-Sound experience. No sonar commercial install experience, no sonar sales experience, no sonar troubleshooting experience or no sonar repair experience. For instance, this chap states; "The transducer needs to be nearly perfectly still, the fish needs to be nearly perfectly still, the fish has to be somewhat large and dense." to get perfect fish arches. Guys, this is absoultely backwards! Without movement you get only lines....NO arches. He even confuses SONAR for Ultra-Sound. He is unaware that SONAR is an acronym for SOund NAvigating Radar. Had he understood even the basics of sonar, I don't think he would have made some of his statements.
I don't know that there is an absolute answer for the 'overheating' question, but I do know there is a lot more to transducers than he talks about.