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Everything posted by eddallen

  1. What is your preferred mounting?
  2. In a SMALL corner area of the display, use a soft tissue with some of the sun screen on it and clean in a SMALL circular motion. This has worked for me on several occasions with different stains. If it works in the corner, you can clean the whole screen.
  3. Cheapest way to do this is to add this http://www.cabelas.com/product/LOWRANCE-MARK-CHIRP-COMBO/1932260.uts?productVariantId=4039466&srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=42-164372762-2&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=04052851&rid=20
  4. Yes and Yes. The sonar does much more than show us where the fish are...it also shows us where the fish are NOT, shows us where the bait IS, shows us ledges and holes, sunken bridges and old road beds, grassy knowls and creek beds. For the recreational fisherman, today's sonar shows them the depths second ONLY to a Scuba Diver. Add all this great stuff to the GPS and Whammo! now you even can see where you came from and where you will be in 1 minute or two miles. Keeps you from fishing deserts and keeps you on the honey holes. How can we NOT catch more and bigger fish with todays electronics?
  5. Which transducer model # do you have selected?
  6. The speed over ground is a function of the GPS. I believe if you click the GPS and scroll to the bottom you will find speed. I don't believe you have Navionice 'built in'. Navionics is just an option, should you purchase a Navionics card. All of my units also have that option and I have never had a Navionics card in them.
  7. Do you also realize the DSI image of a fish is only a DOT? Have you calibrated the touch screen on these units? It is normally not necessary but might be your key. I believe, since the transducer or NMEA cable trick didn't help, you may have other issues on your boat wiring related. A connected transducer has always done the trick before.
  8. Connect either an old transducer, transducer cable, or NMEA2000 cable to the TI unit, let it touch the floor, and the touch screen will work. This is a known issue of 'capacitance feedback' touchscreen units such as the Gen2 or EliteTI.
  9. What other model Lowrance units do you have?
  10. There are all types of options for you. Since you mention your battery has the T2 terminals, can we assume you are talking about a 'sealed' power chair battery? Not sure why you would want/need to seal the battery box, but if you do, make sure to also install the battery charger leads first.
  11. If you would like to down load multiple lakes on a single SD card, just create a new folder for each lake. ie: Create a folder on the SD card and name it Whiskey Lake. Now when you down load the Whiskey Lake social map, D/L it to the Whiskey Lake folder. When you get the boat on Whiskey Lake and turn ON the HDS, you can select that lake from the drop down menu. I limit the number of lakes to 5 for each card, but I don't think there is any maximum as long as your file size does not exceed the SD card size.
  12. Call the Customer Support and give them the # to track. 800-628-4487
  13. I picked mine up at Batteries+
  14. 12vdc is 12vdc, but be concerned with amp hour ratings. I would say that a lawnmower battery is built to start a mower then be recharged by the mowers alternator. It is not good to completely discharge this type of battery then recharge. A better choice would be a battery designed to be deeply discharged then fully recharged many times, like a power chair battery. I use two such batteries to power 2 HDS units at boat shows for 3 days with no problems.
  15. You will really enjoy the rewards of using IG. Make sure to set the unit up correctly prior to recording. Set ping at 15 and be sure to log to sd card. Try to keep your log files to around 500MB for easy uploading.
  16. You can wirelessly connect to the GoFree Cloud where you purchase, download and immediately use Insight maps, and third-party maps. You should have a SD card in the slot to download all maps to and, you don't want to mix 3rd party maps with Insight maps on the same card. You can put more than one Insight map on a single SD card. Yes you can also download all your firmware updates wirelessly also. As long as you have a wireless network to connect to you can update without removing your unit from your boat!
  17. You can't have DownImaging with the HST-WSBL transducer, you must have at least the HDI. The store clerk should have pointed that out to you. You might have an option tho. Lowrance has a transducer exchange program. Go back to the store clerk and he can set up the exchange for you. Basically you get the correct transducer for about half price and you also keep your original XDCR. The HST-WSBL is very common and you should be able to sell it to recoup your extra spending.
  18. http://content.westmarine.com/documents/pdfs/Rebates/Rebate%20Information%20Motorguide-2015-promotionsEC10EAA5D9D8.pdf Not sure this is still being offered. Good Luck!
  19. Yes and it is also available in Simrad. For trollers like myself I believe the Simrad is more suiting.
  20. 1. Clear Display 2. Target Separation 3. Able to Move the Cursor Around a piece of Structure What I would like to have is Forward Looking sonar. I'm not talking about something like 360 or SpotlightScan, but true forward looking sonar.
  21. Yes connect the red/black wires and tape off the others so the can not short. Plug both transducers in and you are good to go.
  22. This really depends on YOUR preferred results. Bass guys generally want to see the bottom during high speed travel between fishing spots and to accomplish this you need either a 'shoot-thru' or 'through-hull' type of install for the conventional XDCR. If holding bottom at speed is not on your short list, you can utilize a transom mounted XDCR. IF, you plan on using a StructureScan overlay on top of the 2D, then it becomes necessary to mount the SS and 2D transducers within one foot of eachother. The conventional XDCR must maintain contact with the water at all times, but not so important with the SS XDCR as it is not used at speeds much over 10-12 mph. Another possibility for the Bass guys is to use Lowrance's newest 'TotalScan' transducer. 2D, Structure and DownImaging all in a single transducer. Your problem is with the Elite units you will not be able to share sonar information across a network. You need to use a transducer for each sonar unit. Keep in mind that the SS transducer is a shade longer than 10" and must be a tad lower than the 2D XDCR. Be careful to not allow the motor lower unit to block and SS ducer signal/view.
  23. Which upgrade are you trying to download?
  24. I'm not having any problems and I'm there on sort of a regular basis. What type of error are you experiencing? What brand and capacity of SD card are you using?
  25. Sorrt of a loaded question..... I guess it all depends on how you fish and what you fish for, also where you fish? If you EVER find yourself on the water in dense fog, or on the California Delta, you will be wishing you had the GPS with the trail feature turned ON.
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