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Everything posted by eddallen

  1. Hmmmm, time to call IG support.
  2. Dbl click the file inside the download folder and unzip it to the SD card. You MUST send just the files to the card....also make sure your unit is a registered unit with IG.
  3. You can wire yours using the yellow wire. For your N2K power node, run the blk wire to ground, red wire to the bat/fuse box, and connect the yellow wire to the yellow wire of one of the HDS units. This way when you turn on THAT HDS unit, it will wake-up and turn on the N2K. If you install a new switch just for N2K there are a couple of ways to wire it. blk to ground, red and yellow to the powered switch (easiest). The other way would be to use a non-powered switch for the yellow wire only.
  4. Let me suggest the Elite-5X which offers CHIRP technology and DownImaging with a 1" larger screen size for just 20 Bucks more.
  5. Never-ending variables for sure.....but, Science is just that, SCIENCE. If we look at this in the same way as we look at the silent dog whistles, it becomes crystal clear. Humans hear sound waves up to about 23 kHz. The silent dog whistles transmit sound waves frome about 23 kHz to 54 kHz which would explain why we humans can only hear the dog whistle when we begin to blow it. If your ears or lateral lines are tuned/built for specific frequency ranges, you scientifically can not hear sounds outside those ranges. Edd ONLY if you want to be known as a BAD fisherman
  6. Ok....455 kHz and 800 kHz are both StructureScan frequencies. I think you have the wrong screen active. Try putting up just a 2D sonar screen, the whole screen. Now see what choices you have for frequency.
  7. What choices do you have?
  8. I believe that is transmitted arount 200Hz
  9. What I remember reading is the range from which fish can 'hear' or sense sound is between 160Hz and 200Hz. Our sonar transducers vary in frequency from 25kHz to about 900kHz. There is a difference of 1000 times between Hertz and Kilohertz. Maybe we could ask a fish in the Pacific Ocean if he hears his mother calling from the Atlantic coast. If there was anything to this theory of fish hearing the sonar pulse waves, I think all the commercial guys would remove their sounders.
  10. On the other hand Wayne.......we could make a case for, 'If it works for you...use it!'
  11. Sonar does NOT affect the fish...they can't hear it or feel it in their lateral line. They can however, feel the vibrations from a turning prop (gas or electric) at the slowest of speeds. I wouldn't consider this guide's claim.
  12. Yes the Elite ti can share waypoints with HDS through the NMEA2K. Yes, with TotalScan xdcr you can view DownImaging and StructureScan at same time.
  13. It didn't have a main motor when you bought it? I would check with Johnson for the diagram, and it's probably downloadable from the web. Did you get the remote control with the Johnson?
  14. What does the screen look like when you leave it in AUTO? What happens in deeper water like 15 to 20 feet? Some of the older Motor Guide T/Ms used to give us fits.
  15. Clip and tape the 0183 wires so they can't short, coil and zip-tie out of the way. You would use these wires for connecting the unit to a VHF radio that is not NMEA2K ready. The only experience I have with the bluetooth is with the OutboardPilot remote control....it works great when I use it.
  16. Elite-4 CHIRP, Elite-5 CHIRP, and Elite-7 CHIRP share the same power cable and transducer connector.
  17. My point is that ANY 7" model is quite a bit more than any 3". Seems the only problem the OP posted on was a powering on/off issue. He said nothing about screen size. I think, since he only has the one unit, he would be well served with either the HOOK serie or the Elite-TI series. These are designed to be 'stand-alone' units and are mainly differentiated by screen size only, within each series. Then the OP could decide if he wanted a 7" screen. It is brand new so he could take it back for replacement or, he could call Lowrance Customer Service at 800-628-4487 to see IF he could upgrade his 3" to a larger unit at a reduced price.
  18. Now there's a thought.....spend 3 times the money and get twice the unit. At least you could compare like product.
  19. Hmmmmm too small to be Tuna but pretty sure it's fish. Variety or species.......get the scuba gear. DownScan Imaging is really not the best for spotting or trying to ID fish. Traditional 2D sonar is best for that.
  20. While I don't care for the grey scale look in today's age, You have some very nice screen shots there. Especially the 3rd one....WOW!
  21. From the Lowrance website - 5°F to 130°F (-15°C to 55°C) are the operating temp tolerances.
  22. These are HDS Gen2 but will give you an idea.
  23. For my area of usage the maps are above average and certainly better than shore-to-shore maps. The feature I am more than happy with and mostly utilize is creating my own charts for lakes that will never be surveyed. They are great charts and getting even better with the SocialMaps.
  24. This is a very funny thread.
  25. You must use the serial# and Content ID from inside the unit. Settings>System>About. The serial# on the back of the unit is different than what is on the inside. Then pick a name for your plotter and register with GoFree. Sorry I didn't get back to you right away but have been busy with installations lately. Glad you got it sorted out! Edd
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