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Everything posted by eddallen

  1. We ALL continually learn, if our minds are open to the task. Glad all is well.
  2. Haha before you tear the boat apart looking for a battery, remove the pos from both deep cycle bats and the crank bat, then see if electronics will turn ON.
  3. OK sometimes if the charger is ON, when you disconnect one of two batteries the charging channel for that battery can remain open (supplying voltage). If you unplug the charger it will close that channel. Which two batteries is the 2-bank charger feeding? What all is on your boat? Might there be a house battery for your electronics?
  4. The straight up answer is you CAN NOT get 36 volts from two 12v batteries. Did you disconnect both cables from the crank battery? If so, try un-plugging the battery charger and see what it reads.
  5. I think 1.5" is OK. Is there a windshield in front of the MFD? Makes it better but you should be good with 1.5".
  6. 1" Ball is too small for 7" display.
  7. Is this for pond fishing (transom mounted)? Battery life seems to be minimal at best.
  8. If I read your post correctly, you can see the entire USA map. Can you tell where the boat icon is at on the map? If it shows you somewhere around the Tulsa area, you probably have the unit in Simulator mode. If the boat icon shows you 'roughly' in right area, then you may be zoomed OUT way too much.
  9. Not sure 'which' trolling camera you are speaking of. I can recommend the Water Wolf 'in-line' camera which you can use trolling, casting, from a bobber, or on the bottom. These cameras are really great and produce some fantastic videos. I must caution you tho, using these cameras could become habit forming!
  10. I have not seen anything 'universal' that worked as good as something made 'specific' to that same product. I have never used an electric trolling motor, but, I have set up several for my customers. I have only converted one setup and that was because of CHIRP. My customer had a 1kW Airmar CHIRP transducer and wanted to share this across his network. He too, was satisfied!
  11. Can you show us with your electronics in place?
  12. OK so that is definitely electronic noise and sometimes these gremlins can be hard to tackle. Where are the TM batteries located? Where is the MFD located, console or bow?
  13. Why don't you try West Marine in Lake Ontario? (585) 323-2040
  14. Can you post a pic of the screen during the interference? It's possible that the TM is creating air bubbles that travel along the hull and over the face of the transducer...possible. You can check this while underway using the TM and looking astern at the transducer.
  15. If you touch the screen on any Lowrance touch screen product whether it is intentional, accidental, or inadvertently, it will place a cursor at the place touched and the screen WILL stop moving until you finish the command. ie: Clear Cursor, Add Waypoint, Measure distance..etc..etc..etc.. So, is this what is happening to the left side of your screen? It stops and awaits further command? Maybe you have a pic to help me help you.
  16. What happens? Does a cursor suddenly appear at the left edge and lock the screen? More info is needed....pics would help.
  17. Nice graphic and you are partially right. The ONLY correct answer is; You can't know without having StructureScan. With StructureScan you will know EXACTLY where, left or right of the transducer, your fish, bait or structure is located. You can calculate depth in the column. If you are serious about catching fish, you absolutely MUST have StructureScan. Then, if you like you can kick it up a bunch with StructureScan 3D. That will really WOW you. Or you can employ a stealthy scuba diver.
  18. You will need to FORCE the update since it is current version. After you 'unzip' the file to your SD card you will need to make a minor change to the file name. The file should look like this: HDS- You need to insert 'auto': HDS- What we are hoping for is the unit to run the upgrade and repair any bugs so it will restart. This is a last ditch effort and you must change the file name as shown. Also, you get one shot and the file name changes back, so if you need to try again, you need to rename the file again. Edd
  19. Under SOFTWARE UPDATES click on 'VIEW ALL UPDATES' Around the middle of the page you will se 'HDS Generation 1 - 4.1 Software. This is a .zip file so you need to 'un-zip' this file to your SD card. Then put card in slot and turn the HDS ON.
  20. There is no need to call Lowrance. The unit is still 7 years old, two years past the 5 year service warranty, which was null and void when you opened the case to peek inside. You have two chances to revive your unit. Put in the latest firmware upgrade on an SD card and turn the unit ON. or Force the unit to downgrade to an earlier version, and IF that works, continue to upgrade (I can show you how to do this). I have brought several Lowrance units back to life simply by doing this. You have nothing to lose.
  21. Nothing wrong with the current brand MinnKota. Great chargers. I, however, have been using a 4 bank BPS charger for the last 5 years.
  22. You're dealing with a unit that is 1st generation HDS and we are now into generation 3 2nd phase with the Carbon, making your Gen1 about 9 - 12 years old. I haven't heard of any place that fixes more than stuck buttons or broken knobs and sometimes a cracked screen. Looks like upgrade time. Not what you wanted to hear.
  23. Maybe you can post pics of it setup on the canoe and setup in the pool. What transducer do you have selected?
  24. OK so you might like to also try the Noise level to LOW. If none of this works for you, I suggest Soft reset...try again...if no love then try Hard reset and redo installation menu selections. Does this look the same on more than on body of water?
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