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  1. Forgot to mention the x10 transom, it is much, much stronger than the Raider, were the boat not so diminutive and stood "prouder" in the water, a little better cared for, it would probably be in my backyard now. Also included in the pkg was a good 29 DC btry, working onboard charger and the trailer. Less than $2k and then some maybe...
  2. Having searched the internet for hours and finding little more than promotional info on the Twin Troller X10 I will post my review/observations from a used one I inspected today (no water test). My comparison is the Bass Raider 10e. The x10 sits lower in the water and floor/storage area is 19.5 x 8' compared to 23 x 8' raider. I've had the raider on open water lakes, the x10 is small water only as the water line stain on the x10 and the owner will attest to. The hull and components are solid and sound. The particular x10 I inspected had many new spare parts, the important and costly ones, motors, blades, controller, wiring harnesses, seat covers, etc... The used x10 was much newer and much more weathered than my Pelican, apparently the hull baked for a couple of summers, rode hard, put away wet... One motor was locked up/inop. I walked away without making a counter offer, content my raider was a more versatile, much less expensive alternative.
  3. ArtieD

    New Member

    Thanks guys, looking forward to the board.
  4. Recently retired (Army) Joined because of the long "pelican owner" thread. I'm kind of a small boat guy, owning a Bass Raider 10 and a Mokai. Thinking of snatching up a used Twin Troller and selling the Raider. All comments/advise is welcome. Thanks, Artied
  5. Hello, I'm a new member with a Raider 10e but am considering purchasing a used Twin Troller X10. Any members own one or have much experience with the x10?
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