Hi all! My name is Steve. I am not really sure if this is a viable option or not but I figured what the heck. I have been in Oklahoma about a year now and have been hooked on bass fishing the last three months or so. I moved here after being born and raised in Alaska. I have fished my whole life in Alaska so I know lots about general fishing. Knot tying, casting, fighting a fish, etc. This whole bass fishing thing is a whole different, and I hate to admit it, much more difficult game to play.
Like I said I am new-ish to the area and am looking for people to let me hitch a ride and fish and learn about bass. I am willing to pay whatever is necessary as far as gas and launch fees or whatever is needed. I am in the Broken Arrow area and am willing to drive a bit to meet somewhere.
I know none of you know me from Adam so I understand if this doesn't work out but I thought I'd use it as a resource. Hopefully someone lends a hand and lets me along and I can try my luck bass fishing from a boat for the first time.
If anyone has any other ideas for me on getting on a boat please send them my way. I am open to most anything.
Thanks for reading. Be safe on the water!
Tight Lines