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Everything posted by poisonokie

  1. That won't happen if you use inline circles. Kerbed points do that every time. Just bend it back in line with your needle nose before you rig.
  2. Daiwa, lol. Seriously, though...
  3. 1) ~7' MH jig 2) ~7'6" H flipping 3) ~7'6" M cranking 4) ~7' ML finesse 5) ~6'6" MH skipping
  4. Well, I'm not an idiot.
  5. some people hate on it, but I actually like the unpainted zaion finish on the T3B. I wish they would've made the side plate match, but at least it matches the drag star. I got it to better balance my glass tatula and it worked out great. Sweet setup. And since I got an sv1000 spool for my T3, the 1016 found a home in this reel. Now my t3 is freed up for a dedicated BFS setup. Bye bye, spinning reel!
  6. Mine worked okay the first time. The second time, while trying to get the pin to push the rest of the way through the shaft, the pin wouldn't budge and the tool bent instead. I straightened it out and managed to finish what I was doing. The third time saw the same thing happen, but after straightening it back out a few times it finally snapped. It's like 18 bucks to get that part replaced.
  7. Wow, and that's the one that's supposed to be tougher. It didn't like my T3 either. It seemed to work better on the SV spool than the 1016.
  8. The narrow end of the cross wrench part of my hedgehog studio pin remover that pushes out the spool pin got bent and eventually snapped off, rendering it useless. Is there a better option out there? Supposedly the new model is a little tougher,, but who knows. The Boca bearings tool looks sketchy and all of it is expensive. Just want one that works.
  9. I posted this the other day on a thread regarding the subject: I fish mine a variety of ways. Sometimes 3/8-1/2 oz with a rage craw hopping, dragging, and dead sticking like a jig, or pitching into rip rap, sometimes punching through grass with a 3/4-1 oz, sometimes swimming it around with a paddle tail shad, sometimes with 1/8th oz and a roboworm like a dropshot. They are very versatile and effective. They slip through grass easily, they rarely get snagged, and they cast further than most rigs. They aren't a t rig replacement though. It just depends on the bottom, structure, and mood of the fish. Sometimes the bait chasing the sinker down is the only way to trigger a strike, but sometimes it's the subtle dance of a jika on the bottom and in between rocks that triggers one. I
  10. It does sound wicked when your line is screaming through the guides when gatorslaunches makes a big charge.
  11. I wouldn't say it frays like crazy. I use mine pretty heavily and don't see much of a problem with it. It is stiffer than 832, but I actually like that about it.
  12. I've never used anything with SiC inserts, so I don't know what those are like. Quieter still, I imagine.
  13. The biggest issue with braid and guides is noise. Certain ceramics like oxides of zirconium and aluminum are very loud with braid going through them. Fuji's Alconite (whatever that is) is much quieter with regular power pro and completely silent with super slick.
  14. I don't know on that stealth spider wire. I used their standard line once and it was crap.
  15. Not to mention the fact that whatever setup you're using for this is probably pretty good for frogs and with frogging there's enough working against you without the wrong line adding to it.
  16. I don't think casting reels have line ratings necessarily, and flipping only requires like 25 ft of line, anyway. That thick diameter line will have very high abrasion resistance around rocks that would snap braid like a razor. However, like bassinout said, it won't cut through that thick vegetation like braid and you'll constantly be dealing with a bunch of salad getting in the way. Also, the mono will stretch, interfering with hook sets, and won't give you near the feel of braid. Braid is more manageable cast after cast if you start pitching. And if you need higher abrasion resistance or lower visibility, you can always tie on a short mono/fluoro leader that will give you those traits without causing line management or stretch issues. 65 lb braid has the diameter of 17 lb mono, so of you do want to be more versatile with that combo and cast a C Rig, braid will give you the option.
  17. I think the easiest walking bait is a Zara Spook. Just swap out the hooks.
  18. I like pp8 better because I think it's smoother and doesn't fade as fast or as completely. Also, it holds Alberto knots just fine, but I've had bad experiences using those with 832. I use similar diameter leaders, so I usually tie uni-uni knots for those, anyway. Other than that, they are both high quality, slick, quiet, and abrasion resistant lines. If you have a reel spooled up with 832 I wouldn't go to the trouble or expense of replacing it with super slick. I have one spool filled with 832 and don't plan on changing it until it gets too low or completely wears out. Either way, that will be quite some time. Also, if I catch some on sale, I won't hesitate to buy that instead of super slick if it's more expensive.
  19. At an unfished place deep in the woods you should be able to catch every fish in there on practically any bait or presentation on neon green mono.
  20. nope, all I've ever used is ardent. Maybe that mo grease is what smooths out the gears, because any time I clean and relube one of my reels, I start feeling the gears meshing. Not necessarily a bad thing, I guess, but I do miss how smooth my lexa spinning reel used to be. Might have to look into it.
  21. I wouldn't use that for Texas rigging or anything, but if that's your only rod, who knows. Give it a shot. Just stick with about 1/4 oz or less bullet sinker and lighter wire hooks like 3-4/0 owner twistlock lights so you don't overpower the rod and still get decent penetration. I think it would be difficult to detect a bite, so watch your line like a hawk and be ready to execute a mondo hook set. And that reel probably has a ton of drag, so be sure you keep it backed off to protect your line, rod, and hooks. Good luck!
  22. Hmmm... I think you've got too much reel. You should be able to fish 1/2 oz cranks/lipless/poppers etc just fine. I like braid with mono/fluoro leaders, but for the sake of simplicity while you're getting used to that setup just use 12-15 lb trilene XL
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