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Everything posted by johnfl

  1. Do you know much about the Tsala apopka chain? And do you have a boat?
  2. My parents are renting on the Tsala apopka chain south. And I am trying to do research before my trip for turkey day. You been out fishin lately ?
  3. Hello there everyone! Alright I have some questions on the Tsala apopka chain in Inverness Fl. My parents have a place on Tsala apopka south and we have our boat in the water waiting for me to come back up. I am wondering how these lakes fish? Is it similar to fishing in the Everglades? Same baits etc? What is the forage base? And any tips would be awesome. I’m heading up for turkey day and will be hittin the lake hard. Any info would be amazing thanks so much
  4. I lived up north vilas and Oneida county for many years and have a family resort up north. It's gods country up there! I fell in love with fishing and hunting when I moved there when I was young. Caught tons of fish. Best place on earth. I currently live in south Florida and dream of moving back everyday
  5. You probably could have dragged a football jig and got some big girls to bite. I'm from that area and free up fishing a bunch of vilas lakes. It's amazing up north. I currently love in fl and I dream of the day I could move back. Anyhow that seems like a great day on the water good job.
  6. I've had great results using this bait. I live in south Florida and went out early Sunday and started throwing the shadow rap deep and every cast I had a fish, caught some biggins. Lots of schoolies had a double. Ended the day with 37 bass boated In 3 hrs. What a day fishing this bait for the first time. I highly recommend the deep version didn't tie the shallow on but I'm sure it will perform with the right conditions
  7. I've had a really great experience with the splash it casts so well even In the wind with 17lb mono. I've caught quite a few biggins down here in Florida on the splash. In my opinion I think it's one of the best pop'r style top water out.
  8. I've used braid for a bunch of different applications but t rigging isn't one of them I did however t rig with heavy weds up north with great success but I usually did a lot of work with weedless grass jigs and braid since I made my own jigs and used them up in Wisconsin in the sense coontail. What did you mean by by bars 4" apart from the worm meaning marking the line with a marker?
  9. I've heard a lot about using it when punching because it sinks rather than floating. I've been using tuf line for a long time and have been super Impressed. Just haven't tried the hevi core.
  10. I am considering changing out my worm rod from 14lb fluorocarbon to maybe 20lb tuf line hevi core line. I live down In south Florida and am stuck throwing the bank's i fish patched of hydrilla which is somewhat thick but then the water clarity is gin clear thinking I may need a leader of fluorocarbon. I like braid for other stuff but haven't used it for wormin. The question is should I go for it?
  11. johnfl


    7lb on an anaconda worm from strike king
  12. johnfl


    Smallie up north on a football jig
  13. But you can use your braid with a mono leader of about 4' if the water is gin clear I may switch to mono like previously stated.
  14. Are you talking about presqueisle Wisconsin? Pm me for more info if so.
  15. I've always used a toothpick through the eye of the hook push in snug and clip the toothpick at both ends and solves the problem of sliding down the shank and tearing as much. Been using this since 1995 works great
  16. Ok cool that's my worm rod set up already. Cool
  17. Oh and I see what you meant by snakes wow tons out there. I brought snake boots just in case lol. They were high up in the trees on the west shore soon as I would get ten yards or so they would start flying out of the trees kinda nerve racking since I haven't seen if they are water snakes or mochas ins. Didn't see the gator at all. That water is gin clear. Amazing. That's why I used fluoro but heavy weeds made ripping weeds free a chore. Any other info on this body of water. Secondly I noticed on the map another lake by the play grounds is that decent at all??
  18. Went out to vista today got there late, wet my line at 11 was using a kvd splash and first cast west shore 3# slammed it released. Third cast another 3# same spot. Super hot today wind was coming from the south on the big lake. With no other bites going from anything in the arsonal. Tried using an anaconda was fishing for big girls with no luck. Wanted to fish slow but my girl and 1month old baby were there sitting at the picnic table so I felt rushed with not enough time for finesse and dead sticking. Thanks for the info. It's always tough knowing what rods to bring and what baits to try when you have never fished a lake. In some spots fluoro was fine but others I needed Braid. I just hate leaders on braid for popin swim jigs from the grass and on swim baits. Are any of you using spinning gear and light line out there of so how light? I know you mentioned slow and finesse. Thanks for the info thought you guys would want to hear some feedback from today.
  19. Try out gambler big eazy and the eazy swimmer really awesome baits. Durable for multiple fish. Caught a 30 lb bag down here on Florida on them copper field is my favorite. They work great up north smallies love em to. Weighted swim bait hook or a swim jig with 4/0 and or 5/0 hook
  20. Wounded spook Spook Splash popr Twin prop baits Frog
  21. Im down in south Florida and lemme tell you, the rage anaconda is a warm water big bass killer. I've had some amazing catches over the years with this worm. I usually use the 10" most of the time. Tx rigged 5/0 straight shank with 1/4oz sk weight. Usually i peg the sinker feel the bottom and the bites better. Love the double header Colors just awesome!! 7pounders from lake okee to rock pit lakes in my areA they just smoke it have to be careful cause they usually eat it deep. Get a pack and give em a try. If you use them on a straight shank use a toothpick through the eye and snip off the ends keeps the worm on and stops the worm from sliding down the shank causing missed fish and snagging. Good luck
  22. Use a product called winx. And or use some mild acid called nu hull. Work on yachts in Florida and it gets rust stains off anything as long as the chrome is still intact
  23. Ooh jeez you got her figured out didn't read far enough lol
  24. The 4 strokes with the cam driven fuel pumps rarely fail. It usually is bad fuel from sitting sometime without any quick care. Or the crappy grey fuel hose that delaminates and collapses.
  25. I live in davie, and have never been to vista view park. Big into bassin. What baits do you use while out there? All weedless Texas rigs? Frogs? Wacky? Top water? Any info would help so I don't have to pack so heavy thanks a ton John~
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