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Fish Chris

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Everything posted by Fish Chris

  1. Nothing makes for a great trip, like a new PB ! Congrats, and continued success to you ! I think there is an even bigger one out there, with your name on it ! :-) Peace, Fish
  2. Well ya' know fivebass, at least we are all still talking about something which is definately fishing related..... I mean, it would be different if we started talking about the UFC's or something.... Anyway, for anybody who is more interested in the "braid vs. mono" subject, and in case you missed it, I started a "very opinionated" :-) thread on this subject, called, "How could I convince you", in the terminal tackle forum section. Go check it out. Peace, Fish
  3. Okay, I guess the next logical question to any of you who don't like, or won't use braid is, "Why do you suppose so many of you have had so many problems with braid.... Yet these problems rarely, if ever, affect me ? A few things I do have to respond to though; Breaking off braid when you are hopelessly snagged is "most definately easier" that breaking off stretchty arse mono ! I simply reel down to remove the slack, hold onto my spool (not my line) and give it a sharp yank. As soon as I have broken it off (or straightened the hook) and before reeling in, I simply pull out about 5 feet of line, before reeling back in, to unbury the minor dig in which is normal, and most easily fixable. On the other hand, when my buddies snag with mono, even just like 12 or 15 lb, the next thing you see them doing is this big twist, and pull, twist, and pull some more ! :-) I always have to rip on them.... I call it "the mono dance" ! :-) LOL So, braid is not as abrasion resistent around certain types of rock, and some fishes teeth ? This is the primary reason I always use a high quality fluorocarbon leader. Yes, with most aspects of terminal tackle, I do agree that fewer connections is better, but a "well tied" blood knot, or uni to uni, is so strong, and the benefits of using a real (excuse me.... braided :-)) main line, plus having a very abrasion resistent, low visibility fluorocarbon leader, are just too great "not" to add that one, very strong connection. Ghoti, your whole post is just completely backwards to my experiences, but of course your welcome to your opinion. Again, the only thing I could ask you is, why do you suppose braided line causes "you" this long list of problems, but provides nearly nothing but great benefits for me ? Anyway, a guy can either use braided line, or leave me with the advantage ;-) Peace, Fish
  4. Hello Sodaksker. As I had agreed, those tips wraps are an occasional pain..... although because braid does not become all coily, and spring loaded, like mono does, when it gets just a few twists in it, this seems to be a really easy tradeoff for me. BTW, braid is certainly strong.... but be carefull on those BD hooksets. Because of the non-stretch factor, a really hard hookset, most of the time, is simply not needed with braid, to get the same amount of hook setting pressure at the hook point. If you can't control your hook sets.... or if you simply enjoy swinging like a mad man, be sure to run a much lighter drag setting, and maybe use a slightly softer, slower action rod. Physics dictate, that something has to give. If it doesn't bend enough, or slip enough, something is going to break ! Peace, Fish
  5. Hello Lightningrod. While I can't say that I "never" have a tip wrap, while using braid, I can say that I have "never" broke a rod, nor damaged any other gear, because of it. I agree that tip wraps are an occasional pain in the arse..... but when weighed against the "constant pain" that is monofilament, it is a really easy trade for me :-) Couple things Jayhawk. First off, you can get TUF-Line as light as 10 lb test (2 lb diameter) and if I were using baits or lures which allowed using micro-light gear, and fishing in basically coverless waters, this is exactly what I would use for your 5 lb'ers. More fun. More productive. However, there are SOOO many more benefits to braid, than simply brute strength. Sensitivity. Durability. No memory. It wouldn't matter how small, or weak my fish were, braid is just so much more of a pleasure to use. Peace, Fish
  6. Ya' know, I was just posting a response over on that other thread about cameras and scales (will people ever learn) .... which has shifted to the completely different topic of braided line. And I started to ponder something here. Their is the larger group of mono guys, who won't ever switch to braid. Then their is the smaller, but sizable group, who use braid. And finally, their is a very small group of guys, who probably haven't had enough fishing experience, to have completely made up there minds yet. But anyway, as I have said many times before, I have used micro-braided line (very successfully) for Bluegills on my UL gear, all the way up to 80 lb braid, on light saltwater tackle, for 300 lb Sturgeon. I have used it (very successfuly) in murky water, and also, much of the time, in gin clear water, for very spooky fish. I have used it (very successfully) for fishing with live bait, and a lot more so nowadays, with artificial lures.... of all types I should add, from little crankbaits, with tiny treble hooks, to big 10", 8 oz swimbaits ! I have used braid in wide open, cover free water, as well as between the limbs of submerged forests in LA and AR. {notice I didn't say "very successfully with that one :-) .....because I never caught anything worth a #%$ when I was down there... But then again, I never broke any off either}. So I'm just curious; Why do some of you believe that braid might have worked so well for me, but it would not do the same for you ??? Anybody ? Peace, Fish
  7. Hello Novicegirl. Yes, you did miss something.... It was me who said that, but just from like a third person point of view, to make a point.... and we obviously agree on that point, as I always carry at least two cameras and two scales :-) Hey RW, I hear these kinds of sentiments from "mono" guys from time to time.... But you must remember, "I have fished other places with braid". In fact, it was those "other places" that made me switch to braid in the first place. The timber filled lakes in Louisiana and Arkansas called for something tough enough to horse a fish out of the cover, but thin enough to be easily manageable. Now that I have been back in Cali for 11 years, I have found that braid is just FAR superior to mono in ALL situations.... again, I'm talking from Bluegills to Sturgeon, and from gin clear resevoirs, to the murky Ca Delta. As I often ask people, "What is it about super-thin, super-strong, super-sensitive, zero memory, that you don't like" ? ......and before you come back with visibility and / or abrasion resistence at the fishes end, don't forget about my high quality flourocarbon leader, which addresses both of these possible issues completely. Hey Catt, don't be scared :-) I promise I'll release them ;-) Peace, Fish
  8. you said > Chris please don't tell me you use TUF-Line? <<< Well heck yes I do ! In fact, I haven't used anything but braided line (with only a couple small exceptions... and mono / fluoro for leader material) for 13 years ! I've use braid for everything from Bluegills on my micro-light, to 300 lb Sturgeon with 80 lb on light saltwater tackle. I can honestly tell you that in my nearly 40 years of fishing, I have never had any other single revelation, which made such a huge, and positive impact on my overall fishing experience, as had braided line. So when I first started using braid, I was trying a bunch of different brands. It was ALL night and day better than any mono I had ever used, but there were slight differences between them. I settled on TUF-Line about 5 years ago, and then I bugged them until they finally started sponsoring me about 3 years ago. Anyway, I wouldn't care if some monofilament company gave me a truck load of that garbage for free.... and then if TUF-Line dumped me.... and then if they doubled the price.... I'd sooner pay for my TUF-Line, than to use anything else. Who me, opinionated ??? ;-) Peace, Fish
  9. Well actually, my screen name here, has been my nick name for more than 20 years, even away from the internet. Actually, my old buddy and tattoo man started calling me "Fish Chris" about 23 years ago, based on the fact that my whole life (even back then) had everything to do with fish.... Fish keeping, fish catching, and fish study. Some of my other friends heard him, and agreed it was fitting, and so it just stuck. Most of my co-workers call me Fish too, which I prefer, since Chris is such a common name for both guys and girls. At one time we had like 5 Chris' at my work (including Christina, Crystal, Kris... who all just went by Chris).... so somebody would say, "Hey Chris", and half the crew would be jumping :-) Anyway, like I said, I prefer to be called "Fish" or "Fish Chris", but I have certainly been called worse ;-) Peace, Fish
  10. At this point, I'm actually glad I brought this one up. Lots of interesting viewpoints here. Thanks again for all of your input. Ya' know Cat, I guess I'd have to say that the order of importance for my photos would be; 1) To preserve the moment for myself, for the future. 2) To be able to properly document a special catch... lake record, state record, IGFA record, etc. 3) To show off a nice catch to my fishing buddies, on and off of the internet. 4) To make for interesting posts.... The kind I like to see from other guys too. Peace, Fish
  11. I really appreciate the kind words guys. So okay... okay. Mine is my 18.4 lb'er (18 lbs 6.4 oz). I was really just dumbfounded when I caught her. I mean, after all the research I had done in the years before that catch, I knew exactly how big of a deal that fish was. Their have been 3 "certified" bass up here in Nor Cal, which were slightly bigger. An 18lb 9oz from lake don Pedro (I don't believe the gentleman had ever caught a bass over 10 lbs before this catch). An 18.6 lb'er lb'er from the Ca Delta (this guy is quite an angler, and had caught a few over 10lbs previously). And an 18.7 lb'er from San Pablo Dam Res. (caught by a trout angler). I guess one could say, I did it the hard way.... I just kept sticking DD after DD, until one of them ended up being a monster :-) I was never that thrilled with the photos..... Wish I would have taken a few of myself, by myself..... But that would have seemed goofy, as I was pretty much instantly surrounded by people, all willing to take photos for me. So anyway.... Digital shot... The old film camera.... ......but I'm going to keep messing around until I get a "big one" !!! :-) Peace, Fish
  12. Whooo Hoo ! Just over 42 ! That's freaking awesome ! I can't wait to get my 40 plus :-) I'm sure it will happen..... I just have to keep pushing until it becomes reality :-) Peace, Fish
  13. Hello St.Croix, not to be a smart arse (although I think I can be pretty good at that when I try :-) but just as a matter of fact, I don't need to prove my catches to you, nor anyone else, either. I just happen to enjoy fish photos, and long after anyone but myself, has forgotten about about a photo I have posted, I can, and often do, go back and relive that catch, while checking out that old photo. I really do take photos, first and foremost, for myself. In fact, I have an entire room filled with big fish photos which most people will never see..... and that's totally okay, as these photos are basically, just for me... and BTW, I have a good number of photos of my buddies big catches on my wall too. Peace, Fish
  14. Well okay guys..... Although I am certainly proud of my PB(s), sometimes I start to get concerned, that some guys might be feeling like, "Ahhh geez (eyes rolling) here he comes again", and "Who cares".... and "If I lived, and fished in Cali....." I guess I'm just constantly walking a fine line, while telling myself, "I'm not near so lame, as that small percentage of haters, would have you believe"...... But I'm not really so "great" either. I'm just a guy who loves to fish, and who has been very blessed to fish as much as I do, in the places I do. So anyway, I have certainly been watching this thread, and their are a whole bunch of beautiful fish here ! Hats off to all of you guys ! Peace, Fish
  15. The wind "really blows"..... ....and besides that, it creates strong horizontal movements of the air, which can be a pain in the arse for anglers ;-) Peace, Fish
  16. You said > a small cap light < Yes ! That's what I meant by "head light". It doesn't have to be really bright for most newer digital cameras.... Just enough for the camera to lock focus on. BTW, I do agree that night shots can often be more tricky, so my suggestion would be, to get a small, cheap tripod for your camera, and experiment at night, or in a dark room, at the house, ahead of time. This way when the big one hits, you will be ready :-) Because believe me, at night, right after you have just caught the biggest monster bass you have ever seen, your heart is pounding, your head is spinning, and your shaking so bad you can barely function, this is "not" the time to try to learn how to take night shots ! :-) Stick a pig ! She's waiting for you ! :-) Fish
  17. Good question. I think I would probably join you in just fishing for fun.... and it would be extra fun to be fishing a whole new place.Trophy fishing is something I just gradually work into. Plus, I get skunked often enough at places I know well, when fishing trophy techniques. To try this same appoach at a place I had no clue about, would be an even greater shot in the dark. Peace, Fish
  18. Cart, Cart, Cart :-) First off, you called me skeptical...... Well, when you have been around the fishing block as many times as I have, you start to learn how many BS'ers their are out there, and heck yes, this tends to make a guy more skeptical. Either that, or just a gullable fool. But anyway, if your not as skeptical as I am, then you should ought to believe me, when I tell you that my photos are first and foremost "for me" ! Sure, I am proud of my trophy catches, and love to show them off, but if you knew me well, you would know that I am just about the least competitive guy on the planet. I despise 'all' ball sports.... and I never fish tournies. Also, I love to see "other people trophy catches" and if they catch a bigger one than me, my hats off to them, and I am often the first one to congratulate them. Now, I haven't talked directly to the aquaintence who caught the 14 to 15 lb'er, but my good buddy has, and he says he "has been crying his eyes out". Also, to be quite honest with you Cart, as skeptical as I am about any of the people who I don't know, and many of them who I do know, this particular individual strikes me as one of the most "straight up guys out there", and I think he has caught enough 8 to low 10 lb'ers, to know that this fish was way over 10 lbs. So yes, I'd love to see that monster, and I know he would love to see it again too. Hey Catt, digital cameras work great at night, with flash, provided they have a way of locking focus. I don't do a lot of night fishing, but when I do, I'm a big fan of those "headlight" units. My digital camera is able to lock focus with the light from that, and the flash from my camera takes care of the rest :-) Hey Raul, its all in your head :-) Those fish seem to have no clue that I carry 4 or 5 cameras...... either that, or they just want to come into the boat for a free photo session :-) Peace, Fish BTW, I only post photos of my little ones online..... "Because I don't feel the need to prove my REALLY big catches". If you don't believe I have caught the WRB several times over, that's just fine. I know what I have caught, and I don't have to prove it to anybody !!! ;-)
  19. And hey Bassrogue, like I said, it's an excusable thing for a guy who is new to the sport, but for guys who fish pretty hard-core for years and years, then one day they stick a monster... no camera, no scale, and then whine about it.......... Their is just no part of that which makes since to me. Peace, Fish
  20. Okay now, before I get onto this rant, let me just say, I fully understand that most people are not as fanatically whacked out over fish photos, fish weights, and just big fish in general, as I am (although I suspect that the average guy reading this, is a lot more fish headed, than just the average guy you might see walking down the street......) Anyway, newbies can use the excuse.... "Well I just didn't know.... I just never really thought about.... I just didn't expect..... But then it happened ! I caught this monsterous fish, but I couldn't find anyone with a camera or a scale" ! But here's the ones that really kill me; I even have a good long time fishing buddy who doesn't carry a camera, or a scale ! His excuse ??? "Well, I'm a touney guy... So I never catch big fish anyway" ! What ?!?! I don't care who you are ! If you are putting a line in the water ANYTHING is possible ! My buddy could stick the next WRB !!! Heck, he might catch the first Blue Marlin out of Lk. Berryessa ! Well.... you get my point :-) Okay, so what spurred this post ? I have a good bass fishing aquaintence who, although he is mostly a tournament guy, has actually stuck a couple double digit bass in the past, at least one of which, I have posted on my site..... because he was "finally able to track somebody down with a camera and a scale". So now, several years later you might think the guy had learned his lesson, huh ? Wrong ! I just found out that the guy caught an "estimated" 14 to 15 lb'er last week from the Ca Delta, "BUT HE HAD NO CAMERA OR SCALE" !!!! Doh !!!! Their is this one alternative song by the Basement Jacks, that immediately comes to mind..... "Where's your head at" ?!?! Now one could say, "Yea.... well maybe he just doesn't care about big fish as much as you do"..... Okay. They could say that, but the guy has spent 40K on a high per bass boat. He fishes quite a darn bit. And he was pretty darn stoked about the 10 and change bass, he sent me the photo of, a few years ago..... So what's his excuse ? I just don't get it. Be prepared with a camera and scale AT ALL TIMES, and if you are not, don't cry to us later. That, and understand that their are a lot of BS'ers out there. So when you tell someone, "I got a big one, but I didn't have a camera or scale", you need to understand why they will often just roll there eyes and have this "whatever" type of attitude. Show these same people a good photo, and watch them get all googly eyed ! In fact, that's almost a game for me; I like to tell people about a few big fish first (and they are like, "Yea, yea... whatever". Then tell them, oh BTW, I have these photos..... And suddenly they are flat flipping the heck out ! :-) LOL It's like a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde thing :-) Anyway.... I said it was going to be a rant, right ? So you can't say I didn't warn ya' ! :-) Peace, Fish ....oh, and did I mention, it's a good thing to be prepared at all times ? :-)
  21. Most definately the year of 2002 ! I just could do no wrong ! Oh sure, I got skunked plenty of times, but I didn't care. At the end of 01', I had made a promise to myself, and all of my fishing buddies, that in 2002, I was "only" going to fish at places with lots of big bass, and I was "only" going to use big fish techniques ! I knew I would get skunked a bunch, but I had finally gotten to the point that I truly believed, that if I did this, I would stick a bunch of big bass.... and maybe a few "really big" ones :-) And I did ! In 2002, I ended up sticking 27 Largemouth Bass over 10 lbs, from 5 different lakes. Oh, and the icing on the cake was, that the 27th fish, my 16.5 lb'er, not only became my new PB at that time, but also earned me a check from (the now gone) Big Bass Record Club, for $5500 ! Some of that money bought me the PC I am sitting in front of right now, as well as the $500 camera I am still using to take all of the photos you see me post here on the forum :-) Anyway, since then, I have only managed to get 7 or 8 DD's a year. And honestly, I don't know if I will ever top 27. It's doubful really, now that I have swung back to a more multi-species approach. But really, it's more important to me, that I stick just one Largemouth over 19 lbs, rather than 28 over 10 lbs anyway..... and that, I believe I will eventually do...... But first, my 40 plus Striper :-) ....er ' a 50 ? Well, first things first :-) Peace, Fish
  22. Hey LBH, that's a great looking Striper there ! Perfect shape. Now, I know this is going to make ours look like dinks.... But check this one out; It's a 44 1/2 lb'er, caught by my buddy, fishing within one mile of where I caught these two yesterday, albeit, about 10 years ago..... What a fish, huh ? I've seen bigger ones from our area, but I don't know if I have ever seen a nicer looking 40 plus from these waters.... Peace, Fish
  23. Good question.... First, you tie about 30" of 30 lb test mono leader material, onto one of my modified treble hooks (two of the points cut completely off, and the barb crimped down on the remaining point). Then, you tie the other end of the leader onto a long needle (a bait threader). You then stick the needle just under the skin, behind the head, working it all the way down the back, but being careful to stay just under the skin, until it pops out beside the tail. Then you pull it until the eye of the hook pops under the skin. Each of the two "cut off" hooks lay over the left and right shoulder of the Split Tail, and the only real hook rides firmly straight up ! Then you just tie the leader to a barrel swivel, with a slider tube, and a 4 oz weight above that, and yer' good ta' go ! :-) This shot was before I was modifying the hooks, but rigged the same way: I'm sure this rigging could be used with other large baitfish, and / or for other species.... Just not sure what.... Peace, Fish
  24. Hey LBH, almost pure fresh, although it is connected directly to the Pacific, 40 miles away.... It just stays pretty well flushed out... especially the last couple years with excess rain runoff. You know that Split Tails are live bait right ? ....unless you were talking about the strippers, when you said "big girls".... and actually, I prefer those to be about 5'3" and 115 lbs :-) Hey Bass Smacker, nah..... No derbies or tournaments for me. I just don't have one ounce of competitive nature anywhere in me. Although fishing is my life, for me the game is all between me and the fish. Besides all of that, nobody could ever convince me that a 33 1/4" Striper (about 15 lbs... and the target length for this years derby winner) is a more outstanding, award winning catch, than a 50 plus ! Heck, I can honestly tell you that I'd rather catch a 50 plus, and lose the derby, than a 33 1/4", 15lb'er, and win $2000. Whoopty doo. I mean, yea, I'm a poor man, but that's simply because there are a lot of things in my life, that mean more than money. But anyway, believe me, target lengths or not, a LOT of fish of all sizes die in the name of those derbies..... even the BIG ones, as where can a guy show off his big catch to more people, than at the derby weigh-in...... Well, maybe on Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource, with a good photo of a C/R'd fish :-) Yes.... Now I like this idea :-) Hey RW, I have mixed feelings about circle hooks. I mean, I know they are an effective way to hook fish in the corner of their mouths, and help to safely C/R many different species, fresh and salt..... and of course I can't argue with that. However, for me, setting the hook is a big part of the fun ! I just have this mental block about picking up my pole and just starting to reel...... It's like the exact thing you have tried to drill into the fishing goofballs head "not to do" ! NO ! NO ! You gotta' swing ! :-) But anyway, these Split Tails are anywhere from 12" to 16", and can weigh 1/2 to 2 lbs ! Where and how would you suggest you put a small, single circle hook, in a bait like this ??? BTW, circle hooks work well on catfish too. Hey Vorlin, I'm single too ! How else do you think I would get to fish 1400 hours a year ? :-) Thanks again to all of you guys, Come on 40 plus ! :-) Peace, Fish
  25. And Stripers are a lot of fun also :-) First off, it's only fair that I tell you, I spent 11 hours on the water yesterday, without so much as a touch. But I wasn't the slightest bit deterred :-) On the contrary, I was actually planning a 12 hour trip today (sunrise to sunset). So anyway, I had had a pole-bouncing, 14" Split Tail on the end of my line for about an hour, when.... Whack ! ZZZZZZZ.... There goes the bait feeder ! 3-2-1... Swing.. Fish on ! And this fish was stubborn too ! But with steady pressure, I had it to the boat in less than 5 minutes. And what an absolutely beautiful fish it was ! (I still don't see how the majority of anglers in these parts, could throw a fish like this on a stringer, and not give it the chance to grow to 50 plus lbs ! I guess they wouldn't like to catch a 50 plus lb'er ???) Anyway, the lighting was great, and I was really happy with the photo of this one. Oh... it went 23.8 lbs. Not a bad one. It released really well, too. So, about 2 hours later, the tide had turned from an outgoing, to an incoming. Once again, my other Split Tail (I had two live ones) was bouncing my pole pretty good..... When Whack ! This one didn't really run off with it, but I could feel it sitting there, chewing on it.... So, 3-2-1.... Swing ! Fish on ! Another good fighter. Ends up being an older looking fish, with a bigger head, and thicker frame, although a bit shorter, and more hollow bellied. It still went 24.7 lbs though (the number we would all like to be fishing, right ? :-)) It released very well also. So anyway, not long after the second fish, and here comes the North wind from hell ! ..... plus, I already had had a good trip.... plus, I need to go grocery shopping.... plus, I wanted to go play with my photos :-) ......all leading to an early day off of the water, but a fun day, none the less. Back out there at 6:30am tomorrow ! Yeeehaaa ! :-) Peace, Fish PS, I'm really stoked about the modified C/R treble hooks I'm working with ! I wonder how many giant Stripers would have been saved over the last 50 years, if somebody would have come up with this idea, way before me ? Of course, regardless of how the fish is hooked, the angler still has to "want" to release it.
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