Okay, here's the deal; I had owned my old 12 ft aluminum, with a Honda 9.9 4 stroker, that I bought brand new, for 10 years. Lord knows, I put a TON of hours on that little motor. It was always dependable, but it was always the slowest darn 12 ft'er on the water. In fact, it often had a hard time getting plane with just my fat butt, and my tackle. Throw in another guy, and forget it.
Now call me a slow learner, but it took me all 10 years to finally start to feel like maybe my boat would have benefitted from a lesser pitched prop. I never did have a tachometer (because I didn't find out about those little easily attachable tach / hour meters until a year ago)
So, I ended up giving that boat and motor to a friend (on the stipulation that I could still use it at Bodega Bay next Summer..... Don't want to put my new baby in the salt).
So anyway, here's my question..... After all of the thousands of hours on that old Honda, with darn near every one of them ran at the very close to the same top RPM..... even if that RPM was way lower than optimum..... would it be a good idea to turn around and drop the pitch down 1, 2, or 3 increments (depending on what the tachometer says its getting right now) and maybe bring those RPMs up 500, 1000, or even more than it has ever ran, in its whole long life already ? I know this sounds like a scary proposition, but keep in mind, if it were only able to get say, 4300 RPMs before, at full throttle, technically speaking, this is putting a lot more load on the motor, than a lesser pitched prop, which allows it to run up to 5500 RPMs (peak performance for most out boards)
I guess in a nutshell I'm asking, is it better for this motor to run at a higher load "that its used to", or to jump up to an RPM level that its not used to, but which produces a much easier load on the motor ?
Just trying to decide if I should recommend to my buddy, to get a tachometer, and possibly changing the pitch on the prop, after all these years ? He often goes out with his brother, and I'm sure it would really help to get them up on plane......
Your opinions please....