too many people will choose not to read, or simply ignore, articles like the one I posted the link to, because it will then be easier to bury one's head in the sand.
I notice that many of you mention tournaments, but you must stop to remember, if the popularity of fishing in general faulters, tournament organizations will not be far behind.
I also know of some VERY big names in this sport (that out of respect for those individuals, I will not mention them here), who's best advice is to "enjoy it now" because NOTHING lasts forever.
The first state to go will be Cali, then probably New York, or some of the other Eastern states. Why ? Several reasons, of which I won't pretend to know them all, but anyway, here are a few:
1) Money. Water is just worth so much more, to more powerful groups, than to anglers. So far these big power groups have just kind of shrugged us off as a minor nuisance, but as water gets more scarce (and with an ever increasing population, it certainly will), the little guys (anglers) will increasingly feel the pinch !
2) National security. Did you guys know that their are already a WHOLE bunch of places back East, where fishing in a man made resovoir is strictly against the law ? I was talking to one guy from the right coast who was quite surprised that MOST of the fishing in Cali, is in resovoirs..... to which he replied, "And they actually let you fish in them" ? Well I sure hope so ! Where else ? Saltwater I guess.
3) Fragmentation of angling forces. Lets just start with bass fishermen, who won't stand up and fight for ocean sportfishermen. Why, they ask ? They have never fished salt in their life ! Then the ocean fishermen who won't stand up for the mountain fly fishermen. Again, why should they ? What could be less related ? Next, who's going to support the hatchery trout guys ? And so on.
My point is, it's easy for special interest groups to pick on "any one small facet of sportfishermen".... in fact, the smaller, the easier. Meanwhile, the whole rest of the angling world stands by saying, "That doesn't affect me. Oh that doesn't mess with my fishing. Oh... no worries for what I do"...... So these special interest groups just keep chipping away at the fishing tree, until one day, the whole thing comes down ! That WILL certainly affect everybody who ever thought of picking up a fishing pole ! ..... and they never even saw it coming !
Anyway, personally speaking, the best I can hope for, is that I'll be able to fish a good chunk of the same waters that I do now, for another 20 or 25 years. Then it will be over for me anyway. If there was something I could do to help the younger fishing generation, I certainly would......
But then, maybe an eye opening post like this one, is the best way to start !!!!
Fish Chris