Very interesting subject. I know we have talked about this very thing in person, and by phone, but just for the sake of anyone who might want to read about this.....
Yes, as a matter of fact, I once talked to the "Big Bass Guru" himself about this, and he said, "You really want to get bit" ? Remove "ALL" of the hooks from your lure" ! Oh sure, you won't put any in the boat, but you will quickly learn how conditioned big, old, 'smart' bass become to not biting a lure covered with steel / hardware.
Ya' know, I have a few buddies (you know them too) who fish for both big bass, and tournies also (although not neccessarily at the same time). These guys have come up with all kinds of fancy multi-treble hook harnesses, using braided steel and crimps. I mean, it blows me away to see a Hud with 4 trebles strapped all over it ! And guess what ? They stick a LOT more small fish, in the 3 to 6 lb range, with these hook riggings than I do with mine. But I believe my rigging will get bit a little more often by big fish, and fewer of them will come unbuttoned.
However, I still believe that my rigging will get "inhaled" at least somewhat more often, and my large single treble almost always ends up right in the roof of the mouth, or right behind the top center of its lip ! In other words, they ain't coming off !
You know that my rig ends up with one large treble (two hooks pointing up, and the third buried into the Huds back, right besides the dorsal fin) sitting very close to where the 1 hook is pre-rigged in the Hud ROF #12. Of course my "first step" is to remove that large, single jig hook with a pair of dykes.
Anyway, yes, I do believe that "the less hardware, the better"..... but I also believe that my rigging, with only slightly more steel and hardware involved, is worth it, as the treble can break away from the lure after hookup, and allow less leverage from the fish, against the lure, to be able to throw it. Plus, my hook can be replaced with a "surgical sharp" new one, as often as it needs to be, rather than sharpening that single stock hook a few times, until it's worthless.
I've been threatening to do a photo description of my Hud rigging for a long time..... And now today, I'm stuck inside, recovering from the flu (that was a lot of fun :-( So maybe I will get started with this now....