Several thoughts come to mind.....
First, I do put another small puncture right behind the tip of the lip, (careful not to puncture further back, or it will rip a larger hole when you hang the fishes weight on it). Also, I puncture just slightly off to the left or right of the very tip, as their is too much connective tissue right in the center.
The tissue under the jaw heals very quickly (I know from catches, and then "re-catches").
I do have "experienced" buddies who hook the scale under the gill, being careful not to get it around any gill rakers..... but I just have a mental block with that. I can just imagine the fish unexpectedly kicking, and doing instant, fatal damage to its gill structure.
As far as not weighing a fish, because you want to be able to stretch it later, that's all fine, but you should know that because their are so many BS'ers out there, it won't do you much good. On the contrary, if you don't show good evidence, with photos, measurements (although I often slack on those myself) and actual weights, >>> "Your claims themselves will begin to lose weight" !
I know of guys that will say, "I caught one that weighed X lbs" and instantly, people start rolling their eyes, and adopt the "what ev" attitude. I don't want to be in that same boat.
Of course I understand that if a guy is not fishing specifically for big fish, and rarely, if ever, catches big fish, then the actual weight might not be as important to that guy, as it is to me. But I think even someone like that should know that whenever he puts a line in the water, ANYTHING can happen !
Interestingly, just yesterday a guy caught a nice catfish. He asked me, "What do you think, 3 or 4 lbs" ? I told him, "Buddy, that fish is a minimum 6 lbs, but I'd give it 7 and change ! In fact, I have a scale right here.... Would you like to weigh it" ? So the guy says, "No. That's okay". Huh ??? I could see if the guy had bveen exagerating the heck out of the weight..... But I promised him it would be over 6, and maybe a little over 7, then offered again, "Are you sure you don't want a quick weighing" ? No... That's okay'.
I guess he didn't want to weigh it, because he wanted to call it the "smallest weight possible" ! That's a new one for me....