Alright, here we go.....
Took a longer rout there, than I needed to... Plus made one wrong turn, that added another 30 minutes.... So, about 4 1/2 hours to get there.
I think my buddy SuperMatt described this lake best when he called it a "shallow, weedy mess" ! I was nervous anytime I was running the boat, as their were certainly areas you could hit bottom on... yet not a marker buoy in the whole darn lake ! Then I would be kicking along and all of the sudden, I'm into weeds so thick, I was afraid of clogging my intake.... plus worried that the bottom must be even closer ! And the water..... typically only 2 to 4 ft vis :-( Geez, I would think all of those weeds would filter it better than that....
Then, I couldn't believe how lousy my boat ran, at only 5500 feet. Heck, I could barely get on plane at wide open throttle !
Okay, about the fishing. I pull up to the first spot, and I see some swirls and boils, so I throw out a Chrome Crocodile spoon. As I retrieve it, I see this strange, long, lanky fish following it ! It's my first Pike sighting ! Yea' buddies ! I just know I'm going to smoke them ! Well, I threw 3 different lures at it, and it would follow each time, but wouldn't commit :-( I thought these things were supposed to be stupidly agressive ? So I move around the lake, but no more sightings, and no follows.
I fished really hard until about 4 pm Tuesday, but then the wind came up, and after a long, hard trip, and no action, I called it early.
Went back to the motel, got comfortable, and crashed early. Got up at 4 am, for breakfast, morning news, and a shower, and was at the launch ramp at 6 am (only about 2 miles from the motel).
Pull up to my first spot, and throw out the crocodile. As I reel it in I have a Pike following it, but it veers off at the last second ! Second cast, I slow down the retreieve a bit and Whack ! I get hit, but it doesn't hook up :-( Quickly I switch to my other rod with a Huddleston Shad tied on. Cast it out and start a steady retrieve...... Whack ! Fish on ! I start ripping it to the boat, and it doesn't feel big, but it's a Pike ! My first (and maybe only) ever ! As I get it to the boat it just starts going ballistic, flipping and twisting in every direction, so I decided to just swing it in. As it's coming over the rail, the hook pops out..... but it falls, flipping and flopping, straight into the boat !
Buddies I'll tell you, I have never felt so satisfied, and content, by catching "one dink" of any species, as I did with this little 18" Pike ! Took several photos.... and then, I wanted to release it so bad.... But was paranoid about a truck parked within viewing distance... and with the signs at the ramps saying that you must immediatly kill any Pike you catch, before returning it to the water (I don't even think you can take them "dead" for food ? :-( .... I went on and cut its gills, and threw it up on the shoreline. The Ca DFG is going to kill every fish in the entire lake, in less than a month anyway.... But still, it sucks that they force me to be the executioner. Anyway.
So, I start fishing that area (up towards the dam) really hard. Had a couple more followers, but no more hits. I did come up on a couple Pike that were just sunning themselves, that would spook, and take off with an explosion. One looked to be at least 30 inches.
The wind came up again at about Noon, and with zero action, little confidence, and a 4 hour drive home (plus having met my goal of catching a Pike... albeit a little one) I decided to call it a day.
Back at the ramp, I had the coolest talk, with sweetest little Fish and Game girl {buddies, I'm telling you, I am in love. A girl like that could just whack out my whole, smooth, steady, under-my-own-control, life in an instant !}. She showed me a picture on her camera phone, of the fattest 42" Pike I think I have ever seen, which they electro-shocked up earlier this year from the lake. She said the Pike were a lot easier to catch in the Spring...... But I bet not "next Spring" :-(
So anyway, I worked REALLY hard. I spent $200 on gas, the motel, and lures. And all of this, for one 18" Pike..... But was it worth it ? Absolutely, positively, YES ! Every minute, and every penny :-)
Will I do it again ? No. Would I make the same drive again next week, to see Amber (the Fish and Game girl) if she envited me ? Like a dum-bass... probably. Doh ! :-)
PS,, I figure by taking off at 1:00 pm, I should beat rush hour traffic through Sac, plus, I'll take the rout I should have to begin with, and no wrong turns. I get back to Truckee in no time ! Only like 45 minutes. But I'm not on 80 for 5 minutes.... and tail lights :-( Turns out there is a forest fire at Donner pass, and 80 has been shut down.... Litterally 2 miles, and 15 minutes in front of me. So, I sit dead still for 3 1/2 hours :-( :-( :-( My trip home ends up taking over 7 hours because of it.
So even in view of all of this, would I do it again ? Absolutely :-)