first off, any of you guys, given the same opportunities I have, would catch as many, or more, and as big, or bigger bass than I do. I just get to fish a lot, in places that have some really big bass.
But about why they look so big....
Over the years, the whole thing about how far to hold the bass from your body, and / or, how close to hold it to the camera comes up often.
In fact, after posting a couple shots of my 17.1 on the photography forum I frequent, one guy responded > Nice fish, but I wish you had included a pic that has the fish closer to your body than close to the camera. Or is the fish really over 4 feet long? 'Cause it looks that big compared to your body height. >
To which I replied > Thank you. That is a fairly common response, and so I've developed a fairly common reply :-) > I take my fish photos first, and foremost, for me, to remind me of what it was like to hold said fish. This fish was aprox. 30 inches in length. When I was holding this 30" fish, 20" from my face (I was never sure of this, so I just measured :-) this is a very accurate representation of how big the fish looked.
So I guess the thing would be, if you want to see how big a 17 lb'er looks from 10 feet away, with somebody else holding it, that's all fine..... But I'd way rather see ME holding it :-)
Interestingly, most people who are standing 10 feet, or more away from somebody else holding a big fish, will significantly underguess the actual weight.
Most people holding big fish themselves, will significantly overguess the weight.
Not to brag, but I've caught enough giant bass, that no matter who is holding it, I can ususally guess the weight within a pound.... often within a few ounces.
In a nutshell, to show you a shot of this fish from 10 feet away, would be very misleading of what the fish would actually look like "if you were holding it" :-)
So anyway, yes, a 30" bass, held 20" from your face, does in fact look 4ft long.... and personally speaking, I'm okay with that ;-)
DOH ! And went through that whole explanation, only to notice afterwards that my arms got stretched ! :-) LOL Pretty funny though :-)