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Fish Chris

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Everything posted by Fish Chris

  1. Hey Biz. No, actually, my biggest beef with bowfishing is that the biggest ones are the easiest to kill :-( Unlike 'real fishing' where the biggest ones are the hardest to catch. So, what ends up happening (lets use Clear Lk. CA as a prime example) is that all the biggest ones are culled out, and this leads to over-populations of smaller > read; less sportworthy fish <. I've heard guys use the excuse, "We are helping to reduce the population of these {in their words} worthless trash fish"...... however, in reality, they are "Selectively Harvesting" from the wrong part of the population :-( And in the long run, we end up with even more fish, (maybe even in total poundage per acre) but of a much smaller average size. Those bowfishing comps should give prizes for "the smallest fish killed"..... afterall, the smaller they are, the harder they are to hit, right ? I'm kind of the same way with Carp that I am for Bass.... Which is to say, I love to fish for big ones (size relative to the species, of course) but with Carp, if I don't have a shot at a 25 or 30 lb'er, why should I bother. Peace, Fish
  2. Wait a minute.... Just to clarify, you mean bow fishing like guys do for Carp ??? (I'm not even down for that with 'Carp') So, you mean to say that it's possible for a person to be "certified" for this, and then they can shoot big Smallies on a bed, legally ? I never heard of anything like this before. Hmmmm, Fish
  3. But hey RW, that's a little different.... The Tenn. state record Smallie would also be the World Record ! And as I have said for a long time, if I catch a world record of any species, its not going back in the lake. What would be the point ? A World Record is a World record. That's just as good as it can get. Any bigger, is still no better. I'd have to release a CA state record though, as that fish would quite possibly be the best shot for a new World Record someday down the road. In other words, a CA state record would still have something left to prove ;-) Peace, Fish
  4. I know this is a pretty old thread, but it's a question that has been at the forefront of my mind. Yes, a state record fish does have to be weighed on a certfied scale. That's why I have mine certified every year. It's also has to be looked at by a state fisheries biologist.... Which is why I carry phone numbers for Ca state fisheries biologists in my wallet at all times..... and have a couple who have promissed to "get there at all costs". I don't plan to kill a state record fish (if I don't have to) but I will be able to weigh the fish on a certified scale, and have it looked at by a biologists, without transporting it anywhere. If the fish is able to survive the time and hassles it takes to get it witnessed / certified by a biologist, then its free to swim (and bite my hook again) another day :-) BTW, you can go to any gas station, and on each pump will be a little certification sticker, by your local Dept of Weights and measures. On this sticker should be a phone number. Call that number and they will tell you what you have to do to have your scale certified :-) Takes about 30 minutes, and in my county, costs $30. Totally worth it for me. Peace, Fish
  5. Doh ! I'm a dum-bass :-) The only ice I see on a fishing trip, is in my water jug ;-) Still, if you don't have a big, loud, obnoxious swimbait, you NEED to get one. Bass of any size are just so curious (and sometimes, so agressive) that a 9" MS Slammer can be such a great tool for finding them.... Then you can pick and choose the size of fish that you think are worth concentrating on. Peace, Fish
  6. Hey wisturkey I couldn't agree more. That's why I always have to chuckle when guys come to me saying.... > Well you use nothing but spinning gear, and you catch... yada... yada.... So is that the secret ? < Uhhhh..... No. That's NOT the secret. The secret is, I suck with a baitcaster :-) I suggest using whatever works best FOR YOU. Peace, Fish
  7. Hey bilgerat, heck yea' ! Carp are "awesome" sportfish :-) Very strong. A blast to catch. I learned more growing up, about how to fight big fish on micro-light gear, with Carp, than any other species. By the time I was old enough to get my line out in front of other big sportfish, I was 'ready for them' ;-) Peace, Fish
  8. I've been using nothing but braided line for about 15 years now. I've probably used about 8 different kinds, and the worst one was better than the best mono I've ever used ;-) I started using TUF-Line about 6 years ago, and 2 or 3 years later, I was still using it, and loving it, so I started bugging them for a sponsorship. Geez, for the longest time, I thought they were ignoring me, but I had decided I'd just pay for it if I had too. Then one day they surprised me with a nice letter :-) Anyway, I just really can't see how any company could make a line which performed any better than my TUF-Line. This stuff just NEVER fails. I replace it once or twice a year "just because" I've got about (litterally) 10 miles of it at the house..... but it could probably be used 3X's as long, and still never fail. Even with my surplus, I still use my line for about 10 to 15 trips, then top off what I've used from retying and such, then wind it on to a coffee can.... then back onto another, then back onto the reel, to reverse it, so that the line that has been down against my spool, and which is still like new, is now on the outside. This trick effectively doubles the lifespan / usage of your braided line. Won't work with mono though, as the line underneath will be completely crinkled and worthless. Peace, Fish PS, To be specific, I usually use TUF-Line XP, in 10, 30, or 50lb.....
  9. Hey UW, for me that's a no brainer..... Spinning, of course. But then I have to be honest with you..... this is first and foremost because I am the worlds worst caster with a baitcaster. Heck, I'm not "great" with a spinning rod...... but I get my line out there in front of a big one, once in a while, in spite of this :-) I guess their are some things that would work better with spinning "even if" I were good with a baitcaster.... Like fly-lining a weightless crawler, or a 1" live dad, on the micro-light. But then I'm the whacko that throws 6oz swimbaits on a spinning rod also.... so you will probably want to get some responses from "normal guys" before you make any decisions :-) Peace, Fish It's my parents fault, I'm telling you :-)
  10. Right on. Thanks guys. Ya' know, their are some things I just wouldn't wish on "anybody", and drowning in a boat accident is one of them. Hey BTW, only a couple hours after I posted this, I got my brand new Stearns inflatable MAX 4 HD camo PFD, in the mail :-) Perfect timing, as I will be on the water for the next 4 days ! Whoo Hoo ! :-) Only $89 from BassPro. It's not "auto" inflatable (pull cord only) but then that means it should not deploy from just getting wet. Of course neither will the Mustang brands with the hydrostatic trigger...... But then those are like $250 to $400 each ! Yikes ! Peace, Fish
  11. When I was not quite 3 years old {more than 40 years ago} my late, great uncle Elton Wise took me down to his private pond, and placed a cane pole in my hand. He told me to pull up, when the bobber (he called it a cork :-) pulled down. I caught a bunch of Bluegill (he called them Brim) which might have well been 15 lb Bass, because apparently, I could not have been more stoked ! Here's an old fuzzy picture of that pond I first dropped a line in.... All of about 2 acres I think. My Uncle Elton passed away about 30 years ago, but I still think about him all the time. Every time I stick a big one, I can just see him smilling and telling me "Thata' boy' ! That's a good'un' there" :-) Anyway, on kind of a philisophical note, I think a person is either born with fishing in their blood, or they are not. But either way, a person still needs to have the door opened for them, so they can experience the thrills that are waiting for them. It might be kind of cliche' but the statement, "Only a fisherman would understand", is SOOO true ! Peace, Fish
  12. My friend / neighbor just bought a new boat (well an older, used 12ft aluminum, but new to him). In fact, I went and towed it home for him, as he didn't have a hitch on his truck yet. So right away he starts asking me about anchors, motor stuff, trailering, etc, etc. I just told him, "WAIT" !!! Before you ask any of this stuff, the most important thing I can tell you, is get yourself an inflatable style lifejacket..... To which he immediatly replies, "Well, I have some of the big, bulky oldschool kind.... you know.. the bright orange ones....... So I tell him, "Alright, so your choices will be to either A) Be more uncomfortable all day, than you can possibly imagine, or just have your life jacket in the boat with you, taking up space (quite valuable space in a 12ft aluminum) and not being even "half" as effective as a PFD that your actually wearing at all times. > If people expected to end up in the water, it wouldn't be called an accident !!! < Next he says, "Well we are not really going to take the boat out if its windy and rough"........ DUDE !!!! Almost NEVER does somebody go out when it's alrerady rough enough to be dangerous. But sometimes it just has a way of sneaking up on your arse in a big hurry ! I then go on to try to convey a little bit of the straight up "primal fear" {you know.... when its starts feeling like your blood is getting cold} that I've experienced about 6 times in the last 10 or so years ! NEVER did I expect to get caught in water like that ! Or else I'd have never launched the freaking boat in the first place ! ......and I'd like to think I know what I'm doing, but sometimes $#!+ just happens ! Anyway, I've talked to him a couple times since we picked up his boat last week, and each time I start out with... "Have your ordered your inflatable PFD yet" ? Also, I've reminded him, that having 3 kids, like he does, drowning is not an option. What else can I say, but be safe out their, And be smart about it, Drownings are not acceptable. Peace, Fish
  13. On pretty much any lake, anywhere, I'd start out with a big, loud, obnoxious swimbait, like an MS Slammer. Then I'd just hop around to all of the obvious spots..... points... humps... layed down trees etc, and start chucking it, ALWAYS watching close behind my lure for BIG followers, and ALWAYS wearing polarized glasses. If the water is very clear (and is trout-planted), I might just go straight to the Hud. On the first trip or two, I wouldn't even care if I caught a fish or not. If I just "saw" a good one, the trip would be a success in my mind...... and that sighting(s) would be marked permanently on the map in my head, becoming a stop on my rout ever thereafter. But you said mid-March. Hmmmm. The spawn can kind of whack them out. Of course I can almost always get a follow or two on a swimbait during the spawn, either from one that's not on a bed yet, just taking a break, or actually came up off of a bed for a short follow. I've even had them come up off of a bed and slam a swimbait, then come into my boat to see me :-) Of course while your hopping around chucking your Slammer, you can also be looking for a big one on a bed "IF" you have clear enough water. Not sure if your into bed-fishing or not..... but even if not, the points and drop offs closest to the best bedding areas will be good areas for a lot, of the rest of the year anyway. > Find the big ones first < Then you will be on the right track to do something memorable :-) Peace, Fish PS, Wait ! You don't just mean for that 1 day, do you ??? If that's the case, I'd bring a micro-light and some crawlers, to try and make sure I'd catch something ;-)
  14. For GIANT bass, their is no other place in the entire world that can hold a candle to Cali. I *** the South for it's giant Flathead and Blue Cats, and up North for their Muskies, however, I NEVER get the "grass is greener" syndrome, when it comes to bass. Peace, Fish
  15. Geeez..... I LOVE the fishing opportunities here in Nor Cal. So Cal has a little bigger top end size.... but then we have 300 lb + Sturgeon, and 8 lb + Smallmouths..... Now, had you asked, what "other kinds of fishing" do you wish you had..... Well, I'm envious of the huge Flatheads and Blue cats from down South. And I've always wanted to catch a big Musky. But I wouldn't trade what I have for any other place in the world. Peace, Fish
  16. Hey Tin, I'm sure they do.... and each one they release "helps" their future chances of landing a world class fish. While each giant they kill "reduces" their chances. The C/R of big fish has always seemed like such an "obvious" thing to me. Then when I read, or hear somebody say > It would be very hard to put a fish like that back in the water. < ..........I have to think to myself, "Then obviously we are on a very different page". Because personally speaking, it would be VERY hard for me to 'kill' a fish like that. And it's directly because, I want to catch that exact fish again, when it has grown to be even bigger. And if you don't think I will, I'll show you a picture, when I make it happen ;-) Peace, Fish
  17. Right on. Thanks for all the replies guys. Some funny, some serious, but all, fun to read :-) Oh and BTW Donbeatya, that is certainly something to be proud of. But since you mention it, I have to say, I am probably the worst caster on this forum ! Seriously, I suck at casting ! Why do you think I only use a spinning rod ??? With a baitcaster, I'll either shoot it straight in the air.... or straight down at the water 6 feet in front of me, and either way, I'd be lucky not to get a backlash. Even with Spinning gear, my acuracy is spotty at best. Then again, I've only been fishing for 40 years..... So if you give me 40 more, I might have it down ;-) All I can say is, try being born left handed, then being forced to be right handed, by old school parents. Oh well. Peace, Fish
  18. You should be fishing for Orca's LOL Peace, fish PS, Hey Cart, that sure is one funny looking Giraffe in your Avatar LOL
  19. Ya' know, most of what I do..... fishing in places that hold a lot of big fish.... fishing a LOT.... fishing with methods proven to catch big fish... just makes it inevitable that I'm going to catch some big fish. I tell guys all the time, giving all the same great blessings I have had with this stuff, they would likely do just as well, if not better. Seriously. But you wanna' here me brag about something ??? Okay, I KNOW how to play a fish ! No.... I mean, I REALLY know how to play a fish ! It's like I do it without thinking. It's either ripping drag, or its coming in right now. And I don't care how light the tackle, or how big the fish. It's all really the same thing anyway. You have a clutch (your drag system) and a load (the fish) and if your gear is solid, and your drag is smooth, that fish will eventually wear out. Also in your favor, most fish weigh almost "zero" lbs, in the water. My two best points of advice when fighting a fish is; 1) Don't reel if the fish is taking drag... especially with a spinning reel. 2) If a fish stops taking drag, get on his arse RIGHT NOW ! NEVER allow a stalemate. Remember, you could pull a small boat in with the pole your holding, if the motor is turned off. Okay, so that's what I'm the shiz-nit at What aspects of fishing are you really good at ? {please throw modesty to the wind :-) Curious, Fish
  20. That is one awesome Smallie ! In fact, he beat me by two ounces darnit ! :-) It's cool, I'm the least competitive guy you will ever meet anyway. I'd only be bummed if he caught / killed that fish from "my trophy Smallie lake". But if he wants to kill fish like that from "his own trophy Smallie lake" who am I to say anything ? Hey, if a guy wants to punch himself in the nose, he can just be my guest.... But wait, let me grab my camera, that will be a hit on Youtube ! :-) Anyway, I say this all the time, but the whole thing about "a fish being past its spawning prime.... and passing on its genes... making more giant fish... yada, yada..... None of this has anywhere near the importance of > that one trophy fish which has already beat incredible odds to get as big as it has < And BTW, just looking at the prime condition of that fish, if ever their was a Smallie capable of breaking the all tackle world record, it would be that one..... or one just like it. That guy only hurt "his own" (and his peeps) chances of catching a World record Smallie in the future. Not mine. In fact, he might have made it just a tiny bit easier for me :-) Thanks dude ! Peace, Fish
  21. Hey J F, my Mother is from the deep South, and so of course she would fry (along with the rest of the fish) the egg sacs of Bluegills. I ate them a few times.... but to the best of my memory they were..... uhhh.... fishy ;-) LOL I'll stick to Carl's Jr fish sandwiches :-) But then again, fresh fried fish eggs would HAVE to be better than those fish they bury in the ground for 3 or 4 months until they get good and rip ! Yikes ! You ever see that on the Discovery channel ? They say its real good.... unless you do it wrong.... then their is a good chance you will get sick and die...... .....then the old Eskimo guy says he doesn't like to get close to his wife for several days after she's been eating the stuff ;D ;D Uhhhh... Pass. Peace, Fish
  22. Yea'.... all sucked into the truck thing... Good to be back though :-) Hey, just one thing I wanted to add to this thread though; If a guy want's to hurt his own fishing for trophy sized fish, while I help to keep mine good, be my guest. Seems kind of odd to me, but hey, their are guys who hang themselves from fish hooks, and lay on beds of nails. Who am I to stop them ? The bottom line is, it would be exceedingly rare for somebody here to hurt "my trophy bass fishing", as the vast majority of the anglers here are all fishing different waters anyway. Don't release a big bass for me..... Do it for yourself. Or not. Probably won't have a direct effect on me either way. Peace, Fish
  23. Ehhh.... So many people are always so much more concerned about a "trophy sized" bass > full of eggs < than they are, about a trophy sized bass, after the spawn. But IMPO, that trophy sized bass herself, is SOOO much more valuable than all the ggs in her belly combined. Sure, their is a 'chance' that 1 egg out of all of those thousands 'might' get to be a big as her someday..... but then 1 of those eggs might never produce a bass that big too. The only "for sure thing" you will ever have, is the one trophy sized bass that > has already beat incredible odds to get to be as big as she has. Anyway, anytime you kill a big bass, it's always "before the spawn". The only question is, whether it's 1 month before the spawn or 11 months..... or 23.... or 35...... Oh.... but would I eat a pot bellied sow ? Sure if; 1) I was really hungry, 2) I liked the taste of bass. I just enjoy catrching them more..... and a Carl's Jr. fish sandwich will always suffice ;-) Peace, Fish
  24. Definately NO music on an iPod, or portable radio, or any other source, while I'm fishing. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE music. So much so, that I've been working on a high end system in my new truck all Winter long.... but that's only for the trips to, and from the lake :-) Once I get a pole in my hand, the only thing I want to hear is the water hitting my bow, the birds, the fish jumping, etc. BTW, my new stereo system has a USB cable built into the back of it, which can be attached to an iPod, to store all of my music..... But instead, I bought a little 8gig flash drive for $29.95 which does the same thing. Sounds so great, I don't even bother with CD's anymore. Peace, Fish
  25. Hey guys.... Paul, yea', that's been discussed before about a lot of the Smallies from that lake. But keep this in mind; Their is a big long list of things that biologists use to test for hybridization of fish species, and coloration is one of the very last things on that list... or should I say, color is one of the least important factors. Reason is, coloration is SOOO variable depending on food sources, water clarity, individual fishes mood, health, etc, etc.... While with many anglers, color is the very first factor taken into consideration. That said, I'd give this fish (and others which are even greener than this one) less than a 10% chance of being a hybrid. I have a close buddy who is a fisheries biologist, who told me last year, that they were going to be genetically testing some of these fish, but I don't know what ever came of that. Talked to him last week, but didn't think to ask.... Hey RW, you know me...... I get onto whatever kick I'm into at the moment, and I forget about everything but that one thing. That's the AADD thing in action. Oh well. This Winter it was the new truck, and then stereo stuff..... But don't worry, I have flipped that switch off now, and fixing to forget about "every other thing on the planet" except trophy bass ! ;D 8-) : ;D It's funny.... I actually had a guy tell me recently, that he admired how I can have such solid, single minded focus on whatever I choose to..... I laughed and told him, "Dude.... It's actually a psychological problem ! I can't think about 2 "different things" at the same time if I tried ! I guess for some things AADD is not all bad :-) Great fishing to you guys, I'll try not to start posting so much I'm driving everyone crazy :-) Peace, Fish
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