In case anyone wonders where I've been, and what the heck I've been up to....
Well, the whacked out weather caused me more lost days of fishing this Spring, than any other year in my life I replaced some of that time with photography.
But my big new major change in life, has been my new health and fitness kick.
Do any of you watch "Biggest Loser" ? Well, I haven't been on TV, but I'm a pretty big loser myself
October of 09', I weighed 268 lbs. Blood pressure averaged 150 over 100 ! (yikes !) Cholesterol, about 300 ! Geeez, I wonder why ? You don't think it could have been from eating 6000 to 8000 calories a day (seriously !) of fat, processed sugar, and chemicals I can't even pronounce, do you ? In a nutshell, I was heading for an early grave !
Skip to the present. (9 months later)
I currently weigh 196 (72 lb loss) Blood pressure averaging 123 over 78. Haven't had the cholesterol checked yet, but it has to be down.
I'm still eating a good, healthy amount of calories... was about 2000 a day, when I was fat cutting, but I have bumped it back up to 2500 now, with the addition of protein shakes, for muscle building, and cardio workouts.
Still almost ZERO processed sugar though. And what little fat I get, comes from Salmon, avocado's, and almonds / nuts.
I'm doing this power hill climb thing (it's 3.0 miles, and involves an 1100 foot vertical climb) 3 or 4 days a week. Still kicks my arse.... but my time has improved by like 30%.
And yesterday, I just got me my Bowflex ! Whooo Hooo !
So, with my current weight at 196, and body fat, still probably 16%, my 3 year goal, is to get back up to 215 (220 or 225 would be even cooler though ) at 8% body fat. I always wanted to be ripped. From 15 to 18 years old, I was well on my way..... then, somehow my stupid arse let that get away
But that's water under the bridge, right ? I can't change the past, but I can sure change the future !
Anyway, sorry to ramble. But as you can tell, I'm pretty stoked
Here's my new toy
Wish I had some better "ugly, fat shots"... I was such a master, at hiding it... But even with size 40 pants, and a huge shirt, you can still see that belly rolling... and that pumpkin head...
I've actually lost about 20 more lbs since this shot, but as I say, I'm not trying to lose any more weight now anyway... just a little more fat, and start gaining muscle.
Don't worry, I'll be posting some fish pics sometime soon.
Maybe Halibut next week ?
Almost surely Sturgeon this Fall.
And definitely a few of those Green and Bronze ones next Spring
Hope everyone is doing well, and sticking some good ones.