Alright, I think most of you guys know about my whole health turn around thing.... so now my diet is like a constant science experiment, along with all the workout stuff....
But organic ? Ha !
My biggest problem with eating organic, is that the evidence to show this will help you in some tangible way, simply does not exist.
Meanwhile, a lot of the people who are so worried that they might eat a trace amount of pesticides, are eating too many cals / carbs, and not exercising nearly enough. And I wonder how many drink excessively, and / or smoke, as well ? And almost nobody disputes that this is going to be bad for any body's health !
In a nut shell, I think a lot of people are wasting time splitting hairs over vague possibilities, yet they are ignoring the obvious.
I recently found this article, and this author just nails everything I've been thinking about organic, to the 'T"
The responses are pretty great too. Most totally agreed. A couple disagreed so strongly, they acted like the author was the anti-Christ. I'd call that, great writing
Now, GMO's ? {genetically modified organisms} Nearly all the food we eat has been altered, in one way or the other, and thank God ! Otherwise, it would be smaller, blander, less shelf life, and more expensive ! Quite simply, less appealing.
Not to mention, their has never been any proof of GMO foods causing any sickness, or death.
In any case, I feel the same about GMO foods as I do organic. It might give you cancer ? Okay, so might a million other things....
I just still believe that while diet and exercise are right there within our grasp > getting cancer from non-organic, or GMO foods, or from anything else under the sun, for that matter, is so hit and miss, so mysterious, and just so hard to put your finger on.....
PS, If you read nothing else of that article I posted the link for, at least read the conclusion. Spot on !