Yes, my certified scale is a Salter Brecknal. But more often than not, I just use one of my two Berkeley's. The Certified Salter is really just in case I catch something that REALLY matters... lake record, personal best, state record, etc.
Biz, what color was the Pelican you cooked the camera in ? My little mini is blue.... not as good as yellow or white, but still better than black I suppose.
JF, it's funny... people do spend a lot of money on camera storage, but what's really funny, is that often, they spend that money on soft carry bags that don't offer near as much protection as a Pelican ? Those cases might be better for actually carrying around (with the shoulder strap and all) but I just use my truck, or my boat to carry my Pelicans. When I get to where I'm going to do some photography, I don't carry the camera in the case.... I take it out, and carry it by hand, with my finger on the trigger
PS, I think it's cool that Pelicans are used ALL the time, by ALL sorts of different professional workers, Firemen, Ambulance, etc, etc. That should say something about the quality of them.
Any time I get some new piece of expensive equipment (like when I bougfht my DSLR) I'm darn near as excited about the new Pelican case I'm getting for it
They really are not that expensive. The little one that I carry all the camera stuff, and scale, stereo faceplate, iPod, cell phone, etc.... is only about $75. Cheap insurance for $1000 or more worth of sensitive electronics.