Okay, so I was born left handed, but forced to be right handed, by old school parents, who thought life would be easier for a right hander > Not understanding that your brain is wired to your body in a specific way, for VERY specific reasons !
What did it cause ? Well, my handwriting is just atrocious. My cursive is just about illegible to anybody but myself. My printing looks like it was done by a second grader.... fairly easy to read, but all caps, and very blocky (deliberate looking) which it is, because I have to think / try really hard when I write.
I literally cannot sign my name without thinking really hard.... and even so, if I sign my name 20 X's, it will look different every time !
Writing more than 2 or 3 sentences will make my hand and forearm cramp painfully.
My typing ? 1 finger pecking.
And here's a fun one..... Sports !
Growing up, I was absolutely the worst ball thrower, catcher, or hitter, out of anybody I ever met ! I was SOOO horrible at it, that in school, if they mentioned, baseball, or soccer, or anything like that, I would literally just cringe, because it meant instant humiliation, every time. And you know kids are cruel. I got to where I would not even participate. They would call my parents in for conferences, to try to get me to play, and I would just flat out refuse. Restriction, nor anything else would work, to make me participate.
The whole thing was really traumatic for me. In fact, I'm quite sure that this is why I have ZERO competitive nature in me now. To this day, just the thought of competition, makes me uncomfortable. And I despise any sort of competitive ball sports.
So, I turned to fishing. And became pretty good at it. Yet to even think about tournaments or fishing contests, (competing) gives me that same, negative, sick feeling in my stomach, that sports always have.
Oh, and while most experienced fishermen will use a bait casting {revolving spool} reel, for at least certain applications, I could never cast with one to save my life ! Hence the reason I use spinning reels for everything, even stuff they were not designed for.
Art. I absolutely LOVE artwork of almost every kind ! I can blend colors to come up with different colors, in my mind, in an instant, and be almost spot on, every time !
I know how lines work with, and against each other. I know how shading helps and hurts......
All of this > Yet I can't draw a freaking stick man ! I'm telling you, I was supposed to be like Picasso ;D LOL
Instead, I found photography, where my eye sees it, and the camera paints it for me
So anyway, I still love my parents They just didn't have a clue, about how far reaching this one, seemingly little decision, would go.
And all of this is just 1 of the many whacked out aspects that make up "Fish Chris" !
Throw in hard-core AADD, and OCD, and their you have it