...besides the wind Geeez ! I thought that would all be blown out by today, but it was anywhere from very breezy, to downright windy all day
Anyway, as I pulled into the parking lot, a little Asian guy was launching right behind me. I asked what he was fishing for, and he said Sturgeon and Stripers. So, I asked if he had caught any Sturgeon lately, and he said, yes, two this year already. Man, that's a lot better than me... I can't find them to save my life. He actually told me where he caught them, and it really doesn't surprise me... farther out toward the bay.
So he heads West, and I head East. After catching my bait (Split Tails.... about 9"... a little smaller than I prefer, but....) I started fishing at my spot. After about 30 minutes, I get blasted, and my bait runner starts singing. I let it take it for about 8 or 10 seconds (30 feet ?) then engaged the reel, and let the fish clothesline itself... and when it did, it instantly came to the surface, and made the biggest explosion, like somebody dropped a bath tub in the water ! Once it got back under the surface, it started a freight train run, just burning drag, at a high rate of speed ! This fish felt bigger, and stronger, than any of the 20+ fish I've caught this year ! I mean, it really wasn't slowing down, and I was looking at my anchor line, thinking about throwing the slack and float buoy over.... when "thunk" it comes unbuttoned :'( :'( :'(
When I reeled it in to inspect my bait, I found that the hook had gotten turned around, and hooked back into the Split Tail The Striper never felt a hook
After regrouping for minute, I straighten out that rig, and go set it out again. Didn't take long, and I stuck a scrappy little 10 lb'er. The next fish was nice, strong, 20.4 lb'er
After that, I ended up catching 3 more, from 12 to 16 lb's lbs or so.
Oh, and I missed 1 other while fishing a Split Tail under a bobber, on my micro-light. I think it must have felt the bobber dragging, and dropped it. Split Tail was ripped up though. No doubt what happened to it.
Oh, so just out of pure coincidence, as I arrive back to the ramp, the same little Asian guy pulls up behind me. He asks how I did, so I told him I whacked them pretty good.... 5 fish from 10 to 20.4 lb's.
{thinking I was kind of cool } ......and he says, "That's awesome ! Well I got 1"..... "Striper or Sturgeon", I ask ? Sturgeon ! I got it right here.... check it out.... and darnit... if that guy hadn't stuck the fish I've been wanting SOOO bad ! A thick, solid 62" keeper !
I told him, "Well, I'll never complain about catching 5 nice Stripers.... But I'd trade every one of them for a 62" Sturgeon ! He just laughed, and agreed with me
Oh, so here's the 20.4.... photographed big, didn't it ?
All in all, another fun day on the water