Well, the the fishing was pretty tough. I only caught 3 bass, in 11 hours on the water. Granted, they were all nice ones... Two Smallies, spawned out, and still pushing 5 lbs each, and 1 Largemouth, also spawned out, and in the 6 lb range..... but none the less, tough fishing.
And sorry, but nothing worthy of photos.
I did have one very interesting situation though;
So, I find two really nice Northern strain Largemouths on a bed. But the first thing that trips me out, is that either this was two females..... OR, that was the BIGGEST male bass I've ever seen ! Because these two fish were like 6 and 8+ lbs !
Now, for whatever weird reason, I can NEVER seem to catch a big (over 6 lbs) Largemouth, in this lake, bed-fishing ??? {And I think I'm a pretty decent bed fisherman} So anyway, I through everything I had at them.... but no luck.
Now here's the other really weird thing > The bigger of the two fish, seemed to be the most interested of the two.... However, each time she would swim over, and even start to nose down on my bait (I threw a 6" Hud, Huddlebugs, and live crawlers) the Smaller fish would charge at the bigger one, mouth open, and shove her, while biting at her, as if to say, "Hey ! Don't eat that ! Get out of here" !!! I swear it did this at least 10 X's, during the hour I fished for them. Now, while the bigger one was away, the smaller 6 lb'er would come over, nose down on my bait, and act SOOO interested too.... But I never could get it to go either ?????
That whole thing was just so weird.
Anyway, the weather was great. Not very much of a breeze.... and I just love that lake so much anyway, tough fishing or not.
However, I had gotten up at 3 am. Drove 100 miles. Fished for 11 hours, then had a 100 mile trip home, and was feeling a little zombied out. So (not recommended) I used a 24 oz sugarfree rockstar, to wash down two caffeine tablets. Granted, I made it all the way home, and I don't think I ever even yawned !!!!
But then yesterday at work, I felt like I had been hit by a truck all day. Not really worth it..... but since I can never pry myself off of the water until dark, no matter when I start, or how tough the fishing is.....
Not to mention, I think the fish are pretty much in the whacked out post spawn mode.
So anyway, I think I will be taking several weeks off. I do want to go back in late June, or July, to try for some BIG Sunfish + then the catfish are up spawning all over the place..... and ALWAYS a good shot at bass on this lake.
But for now, I want to concentrate more on my weight lifting and cardio + going back to Louisiana to visit my parents in the next few weeks....
I'll be back though