Well first off, you knew I had to go back and try for those giant Sunfish again this week, of course.... But honestly, my experience with bedding sunfish has often been, "here today, gone the next".... let alone a full week later. I was giving myself maybe a 25% chance that they would still be there.
None the less, I bought myself four 15 packs of mini-crawlers, and went for it. I pulled up to my spot at about 11am, and made my first cast. About 15 seconds later, there goes my line... Stick ! I catch a drag ripping 1 lb'ish Bluegill. Can't get too excited on the first cast / first fish, as we have all done that, then never stuck another one all day, right ? Second cast.... 30 seconds later... tick... there goes my line... stick ! Another nice 1 lb'ish Bluegill.
Well, by about the 5th fish, it was pretty obvious they were still here.... Except for 1 thing; They were all nice Bluegills, but no big Red Ears ?
Anyway, I think it was about my 6th or 7th fish, when I stuck one that felt really heavy, but not as fast. Just dogging for the bottom. Finally got it up to the boat, and it was a monster Bluegill ! Really thick across the back..... but hollow in the belly {it didn't look spawned out, but rather, like an OLD beat up, male}. Lumpy... pretty poor looking... but none the less, it went 2.0 lbs ! My new PB Bluegill.
Yes, of course I took some photos, but they just don't show the size.... and beside the next trophy sized PB I would later catch, just not worth posting.
After that, I found that the Red Ears were still in the area, they had just moved farther out. Once I figured that out, I started sticking a bunch of nice legit 2 lb Red Ears Geeez, these things fight SOO hard !
Finally, at about 3:30, I stick one that literally rips off 40 feet of line, then just starts hugging the bottom. Honestly, I was thinking it might be a Bass, as it didn't do the short rapid little head shakes like most sunfish. But anyway, with 4 lb mono leader, I just babied the heck out of it. Finally, as I got it close to the boat, it rolled to one side, and I was like, "holy $%#$ ! Look at that belly" ! Of course I didn't even attempt to pick it up by the line, as I have with some of the others pushing 2 lbs.
Instead, I put my hand under it's gut, and gently held the line to keep it stable. As I brought it over the rail, I was already thinking this was probably my new PB Redear.....
So, I have this 2 gallon pale, which conveniently weighs 1.0 lb. I placed the fish in the bucket, then hooked the handle.... and, yea' buddies ! Minus the 1 lb bucket, she went 3.2 lbs ! Measured her at 14 1/2". Finally got my 3 lb+ Redear Only took 46 years !
Of course I had to get some good photos of her...... But their is only one messed up part to all of this.... > This was the one fish I caught today, which I would have most wanted to have released, but after a hard fight, and photos, she was just too worn out, and didn't make it Oh well.
I did actually end up keeping 16 of them though, which weighed a total of 32.7 lbs ! A straight up 2 lb average.... and I weighed, and released 3 more after the BIG one, that were 2.0, 2.1, and 2.3 lbs.
If I had to guess, for the whole trip, I probably caught 40 Sunfish, for a total of 65 lbs !
Okay..... So, photo's, or it didn't happen, right ?
I thought they came out really good....
Tomorrow I'm going to play around with print sizes, until I can make this shot print to actual size.... then have Costco put it on a 12" x 18"
And I think this one is just begging for a larger print, too Ya' know guys, I've taken just a few fish photos in the last 40 years, but honestly, I think this has to rank right up next to my very best, all species included. What do you think ?
Geeez, that was just an absolute kick
PS, I just got done eating a plate of Redear fillets, and Strawberry / Blackberry oatmeal for desert (sugar free, of course Absolutely screaming good !!!!