Early on, into my new healthy lifestyle, I learned that the enemy was not "saturated fats". Their are some saturated fats, such as those in your butter, or that in red meat, which "in moderation" are actually quite good for you. It should not be a question of saturated vs. non-saturated, but rather, man made (such as hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats vs. natural fats, both sat. and non)
This is really long, but lots of good info: http://www.livestrong.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=31785 If you scroll way down, their is a bunch of info to compare different fats.
Also, bass, tilpia, and most other fresh water fish are very low in fat, and therefor, contain practically ZERO Omega 3's. Look it up.
Anyway, with all the canola oil soaked into that breading, I don't doubt it tasted great But IMPO the healthiest thing about that meal, was how small it was. Problem is, I'd starve to death on 2000-2500 a day I'm pretty lean to.... about 10%-11% bf at 210 lbs
Oh, one more thing I learned early on > The BMI index is old, and outdated. A guy can be like super low body fat (say, 8%) but if he has some decent muscle mass, (or, as in my case, decent muscle mass + a very deep chest, and wide shoulders) it will say I'm over weight ! Yea 210@10%.... and I'm trying to become even more overweight.... 225@9% LOL Heck, I'd love to be "obese" (by the old BMI index) at like 260@8% ....but it won't ever happen, as I'm too old, and don't have steller genetics.
In any case, you sound to be in not too bad of shape as it is. This info is more for people who are either 1) in lousy shape, and want to change it, or 2) who want to go crazy with it, and maybe start doing some amature BB'ing
Oh BTW, what's moderation ???