I am new here, but felt compelled to respond with an experience I had last week with Cabelas service as well.
I have ordered from Cabelas in the past and had great service, but nothing extraordinary like this. I was looking to order a new ultra lite rod and decided to look into to an xml model. I noticed that online it was showing buy to get one free. (Bait Monkey got the best of me!!) I decided that I would order an ultralite for me and a bass rod for my Dad for Fathers Day and whala a free rod for me. I could not get the order to go through online and give the discount so I called customer service and told them it was not totaling right for the discount. She said that by buying three rods at the sales price, you were paying what two rods at full price would normally be. I told her I understood the logic, but in the back of my mind I thought it was a bit strange; however I did not complain. I decided not to go forward with the order.
About 1/2 hour later, the phone rang and it was Cabelas customer service. The customer service rep said that they felt the advertisement on the internet was misleading and that they would like to honor two rods at the sales price with the 3rd free. Of course I took the offer and my new rods will be here Monday. Thanks Cabelas!! It is great to see ethics and especially in a large business.