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Everything posted by BrianHMississippi

  1. I started the day fishing with a new H20 Xpress spinnerbait. Within the first 30 minutes, the main willow blade fell off. I tied another one on and 30 minutes later it was also gone. I tossed the spinnerbaits since I cannot find any willow leaves at the local Academy. This morning I tied on a new, beautiful H2O Ultimate frog. After 30 minutes of fishiing the paint started peeling off. I don't mean there was a spot here or there where the paint was coming off. The entire frog which was a natural brown color is now white. There is no bonding of the paint to the rubber. Since I only had 2 H2O Xpress frogs in my box, I tied another color on and within minutes, the same thing happened. All the paint came off. If you don't mind fishing with white frogs, it isn't a problem. I prefer brown. Their deep diving crankbaits also do not run true. They run sideways and cannot be tuned due to the location of the eye. All in all, I will never buy another lure from H2O Xpress. It is all cheap garbage.
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