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Everything posted by lectricbassman

  1. I wish i could make the same commitment! Ive caught fish on jigs but i dont have much confidence in them so i dont fish them much. Rage craws though, those have become my 2016 staple. Ive caught more fish on them than anything else this year! I fish them trigged and can cover the entire water column with one bait. Buzzed aross the tip, swam like a swim bait, or bounced off the bottom. I cant believe i waited this long to try them!
  2. Get some silverish senkos and then some in the primary colors you like to fish. Cut the ends off the senkos and frankenstein them together with mend it. Itll take 2 senkos to make 1, but if you use both parts of both senkos youll end up with 2. One with a silver tip and a silver with a tip. Ill try to find a youtube vid on it. Not sure if its what youre looking for, just thought id throw it out there Here ya go TackleW. Has 81 colors of senkos available, ghost shad looks good
  3. Use mend it and make your own with the existing senko colors.
  4. Anyone fish arbuckle lately?
  5. Went to grand lake this weekend for a kayak tournament. Ive never fished grand before and i had high expectations due to its reputation of being a good fishery. Fishing was tough due to the storms that blew through friday night. The water was muddy and the wind was up. I managed to land 2 bass and a bunch of bluegill. All in all it was a good learning experience.
  6. Ive beem wanting to get down to konawa. Never fished it but ive heard good things about it!
  7. Yup, alberto knot. Never broken the knot here, it always gives at the hook first.
  8. Sportsman lake, seminole ok. Water was 59 to 64 and very dirty. Soft plastics were the only thing that seemed to work. Caught 4 fish over 2 days, lost 3. I didnt see any beds and all the fish i caught werent spawning yet so theyre probably somewhere in the middle of pre/spawning.
  9. Never seen whitecaps on a farm pond but the wind has been terrible in central oklahoma too!
  10. Fished okemah lake on saturday and sunday. Wind was high and the water was 59 to 60 degrees and murky. Caught 2 that were around 4 pounds and 1 dink in 2 days fishing. It was tough because of the wind, hopefully this wind will give us break soon.
  11. 1st bass?!, Shes ruined!?
  12. Nice fish wnspain! What were they biting on? Im heading out to okemah this weekend, hoping to put together a good stringer for a kayak benefit tournament.
  13. Snoopy pole with braid?
  14. Just read the BR article by Bill Miller about catching 10lb bass. Very interesting information. I have always believed that bass rely more on available daylight hours than water temps to determine when to spawn. I havent found a lot of scientific evidence to back this up though. Could it be that the water temperatures that we key in on are just an effect of the longer hours, rather than the temperature itself being the trigger. I know there are many other variables to consider but i find the daylight argument most compelling. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  15. Just read the BR article by Bill Miller about catching 10lb bass. Very interesting information. I have always believed that bass rely more on available daylight hours than water temps to determine when to spawn. I havent found a lot of scientific evidence to back this up though. Could it be that the water temperatures that we key in on are just an effect of the longer hours, rather than the temperature itself being the trigger. I know there are many other variables to consider but i find the daylight argument most compelling. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  16. Get a rod with a softer tip, had the same problem when i picked up a baitcaster for the first time. It helped me alot
  17. Waders, float tube, or kayak to get on the other side of the nasty vegetation.
  18. What do you do to get out of a mental funk that destroys your confidence on the water? I fish a lot of pressured water but it seems that there are more anglers than usuall now. Along with this, i started noticing a lot of nice filleted bass carcasses in the waters i fish, left behind by an unknown angler. This gets my mind to wondering if theres even fish left. I know there are, and i feel like im a decent angler but i let it go to my head. My fishing has beem haphazardly rushed and my confidence is gone. What has helped you? Or do i just need to put on my big boy britches and get on with it?
  19. Finally got to put the yak on the water today and got skunked. The wind was up and the water was murky. Temps were 57 to 61 degrees at the surface. Tried chatterbaits and swim jigs plus creature baits, craws, and lizards in the pockets that were protected from the crazy wind. Wanting to beat she skunk, i tied on a rooster tail. I fully expected to catch at least something but no such luck. Oh well, such is the life of a fisherman.
  20. Those are some nice fish, nothing more exciting than a buzzbait. What kind of pattern were they in?
  21. Enjoyed watching your antics here on BR, always looked forward to pics of your mutant bass. Thanks for your service to our country, be safe over there.
  22. Whats going on with that fish's lip?
  23. X2 Give them a good stretch a few times and thatll get alot of the salt out
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