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Everything posted by lectricbassman

  1. Will a stringer hurt their gills?
  2. Any recommendations on backing a spinning reel? I have recently done this but find that after time the knot that i tied the lines together with moves up in the spool of line. When i go to cast the line gets hung on the knot and stops my cast dead midflight. I thought of putting a piece of tape over the spool where the knot is and where the good line starts. any tips?
  3. How long can a bass safely stay out of water? I see alot of guys keep them out for minutes and i feel this cant be good for the fish. I try to get them back in within 30 seconds to a minute. I wonder what its like for the fish? The analogy i come up with is like someone running a 100 yard sprint like their life depended on it...then having their head held underwater while they're trying to catch their breath. Am i wrong?
  4. I fish pressured ponds with lots of vegitation so cranks dont work well. I find that swimming a curly tail grub works well to find the fish.
  5. Not sure if this is the right forum but here goes. When does the fall bite usually pick up in oklahoma? This is my first year fishing so im trying to figure out the seasonal patterns here. Also do the fish get fatter durring this time. Right now the fish i catch are healthy but not fat, just wondering what kind of change the bass go through.
  6. Congratulations! I remember my first, and then the obsession started. . .
  7. Fisher o men, I have seen the string method online but never heard anyone with firsthand experience. Where were you hooked?
  8. Its funny you say that. Thats what i tell everyone too. Finger skin is ridiculously strong!
  9. A few weeks ago I managed to hook my finger. Got it all the way past the barb and had to push it on through and cut it out. This was my fist but definitely wont be my last. How many times have you been hooked and how bad? I just want to hear everyone's war stories on this one.
  10. Thanks for all the great tips everyone. Went out on the same pond ive been getting skunked at and actually caught some nice fish! Instead of forcing the technique i wanted to use i listened to the fish. I realized that ive been stuck in a mental rut. Today i really really really wanted to fish a topwater frog. So instead i threw a spinner bait first. No luck. Threw the frog. No luck but i forced myself to throw a curly tail grub. Tried hopping it on the bottom. No luck. Then as i swam it quickly along the bottom, wham! First fish wasnt a bass but a nice crappie. I had no idea they were even in this pond. Lucky for me the bass wanted the same thing and i landed quite a few bass and crappie today. Long story short, dont be a nimrod, listen to the fish!
  11. Thanks for the replies. I think im going to try the creme lures. I have never heard of them before now. And thanks for the heads up g trout, im using ultralight tackle with 6lb test and its a blast. Luckily i havent had any problems yet with fish swallowing the lure but it has crossed my mind.
  12. Anyone know where I can find a heddon zara pooch or something very similar? The ponds that I fish are heavily pressured and i found that walking a pooch is very effective right now. My theory is that these fish have never seen one before. From what Ive found the pooch is an older lure (maybe even collectable to some.) I had 2 before tonight, lost one after a fish wrapped me around a stump. Now Im down to one and i hesitate to even use it for fear of losing it. Long story short, whats the smallest cigar type bait that you know of on the market right now.
  13. Thanks for the input. I like the idea of practicing when there are no fish to be caught, ive got a new winter project now. Thanks heron
  14. Im going to fish more!!! And i agree, this is the best community online!
  15. Just out of curiosity, how many times have you returned from a fishing trip without catching any fish. Ive had more than a few recently and it really messed with my confidence. I know its going to happen, what do you do to get back on your game?
  16. Anyone out there use only spinning reels? I primarily fish from shore and for recreation only. I recently started using (practicing)a baitcaster but find myself running back to my spinning gear everytime. I know baitcasters are better for heavier setups and faster retreives etc but so far i cant get over the confidence factor that spinning gear gives me. Am i weird and will i ever come across a situation where a spinning setup simply wont work?
  17. All the baits mentioned above may work and may be easier to walk but it sounds like you found exactly what the fish wanted that day. Who cares if you cant walk the dog, if its working and youre having fun forget the manual and write your own.
  18. Im new to bass fishing. I started april this year and have only caught 1 "lunker". So i guess my record is once in a lifetime...so far Man those are terrible odds now that i think about it...
  19. Thanks for the replies. I have a good job and an awesome family which is where most of my time is devoted. I think that is part of my obsession, i hit the water every chance i get but it never seems like enough to scratch the itch. Keeping things in perspective, i will someday have time and money to devote to the sport. In the meantime ill keep on with what im doing... until my wife sends me away.
  20. Hello fellow anglers. I am recently a new member of BR but have been reading the forums for some time now and this is by far my favorite site on the entire web (except youtube when im watching bassresource videos). Now to the question. Is it normal to be consumed with bass fishing when first starting? Ive been fishing all my life but within the last year discovered bass fishing in particular. Bass, bass, bass, bass. Its all I think about and I cant seem to shake it. I want to be on the water trying out new spots, gear, and techniques. I want to know everything about this creature so I can be a better fisherman. I want to know about local weather and seasonal patterns. I want to know about all the new (and old) lures and how they work. Its like my brain is a sponge and if it has anything to do with fishing i soak it up. But most of all I feel antsy and anxious to get back on the water. I dont know what it is but it has taken over me. Is this normal and if so will it go away or get worse?
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