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Everything posted by lectricbassman

  1. Ive had this happen before tom, what does it indicate?
  2. X3 Its probably in my head but i feel that alternating sides keeps from spooking the fish as easily
  3. Is it possible that the wr lmb will never be broken? I dont know a lot about these big bass but it seems like a lot of variables have to be perfectly in place for these fish to even get that big, then it has to be caught. Im no al gore but it seems like its only going to get harder and harder for even the chance of a fish getting that big anymore. Theres my half empty glass, please tell me im wrong!
  4. I think 'im so fancy's' fish takes the cake on this one. I dont know how to link it but go check out fishing reports under 'biggest largemouth ive ever caught' that fish kooks like its decked out dor jungle warfare!
  5. A pack of walmart inline spinners, only one missing.
  6. Lol, nice call. I was wondering where squirmin had gone. ..
  7. I try very hard to not embelish my fishing adventures. In fact im brutally honest. I cant count the number of times ive been skunked, countless dinks, less 'nice' fish and even fewer fish worth writing home about. It doesnt benefit me one bit to have a skewed perception of actual bass sizes. Im not out to impress anybody but myself.
  8. I fish a similar bottomed pond and have wanted to try a jig. I know t rig works butid like to start using more jigs. Assuming i was going to buy some new jigs, What style of head would work the best.
  9. I fish a pond and was told by a couple of anglers that there were 5lb fish in it. All summer the biggest i could manage was 2lbs. I just figured they were telling stories like fishermen do. . .until i saw onr with my own eyes! 5lbs 9oz, i would not have believed it had i not seen the guy weigh it.
  10. I Love the buzzbait, it ruined my life. I remember the first time fishing one, thinking theres no way in heck that a bass would eat this thing. Then it happened and my obsession with bass began!
  11. I dont know why i fish, but i do, and i am obsessed! Its something that i have tried to explain to others but i just cant. Its prepping the gear, researching the conditons, knowing the prey, learning the techniques, and anticipating a bite. When the line is tight and my pole is bent over on itself,the world is right and it all makes sense. Knowing that no matter how much i have or learn there will always be something else i can work on. I dont know why i fish but its who i am.
  12. Nice fish! What part of the country are you in? Im hoping for a few more weeks of topwater here in central ok. Wondering what conditions were like when you were fishing
  13. Nice catch and a neat looking fish too with the black coloration
  14. Ill eat frog legs but not out of this water! Its a pond in the city and it gets some runnoff from a cemetary about a half a mile away.
  15. Med heavy spinning rods for everything because thats all i own. Only been fishing for a year now and its all i know so i suppose i dont know what im missing out on when it comes to technique specific rods. I still catch fish and have a good time while im at it so thats all i need. Will i upgrade my arsenal? Absolutely in due time!
  16. Great story and an even better catch!
  17. Nice catch. Its awesome to see guys like a-jay sharing his knowledge to help others become better anglers. This site is the absolute best!
  18. Ill be honest, it was bigger than the 1 bass i caught
  19. Went out this morning and caught this...
  20. Makes perfect sense now! I thought there may be some super duper secret river that i was missing out on!
  21. Why the asterisks?
  22. I fish ponds because i dont have a boat. When i get the rare chance to fish from a boat i feel like im a better fisheman. I think that dealing with shoreline junk like trees, grass, weeds, etc. Makes makes me more aware of what im doing with my gear. When i get into a boat all that goes away and its easier for me to fish.
  23. Ive had bass hit a fluke and even a buzzbait as it touches down. I believe the fish can see it coming and are there anticipating splashdown before it happens. I often forget that bass are excellent predators and its awesome to me that they can do this
  24. Its awesome catching a first on a specific technique! Ive yet to catch one on a jig.
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