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Everything posted by lectricbassman

  1. Colgate total whitening. When I get a chance today I'll post a pic.
  2. Colgate makes a cap that fits...
  3. Ive experimented with all kinds of keepers and glue. Keepers usually foul up with moss and algae in the waters I fish so here's what I do. I fish them weightless on a spinning rod spooled with braid. I put a 12lb flourcarbon leader in that. Here's the trick, when you tie your hook on, leave about 1/4" on your tag end of the knot. When you rig the bait, push the hook point into the bait a little further than you usually do. This will bury the knot along with the tag end into the head of then bait. The short rigid tag usually provides enough to grip the elaztech material. You will have to play around with lengths of tags and depths of hook rigging to see what works best. I will say that this is not 100% guarantee and eventually it will tear up enough to start sliding down again. This is however the most unobtrusive way to rig them if your looking for weed less.
  4. Electrician by trade, bass man by hobby
  5. I was once told by a very successful guide that smaller baitfish are more susceptible to being bothered by td noise, not bass themselves. I dont know but it made sense to me.
  6. wish i had a pic, but i once set a 4/0 worm hook on a fish that tore a gash from the fishes belly to about midway up its side. It was a dink so i couldn't legally keep it, had to throw it back but I felt bad, pretty sure it didn't make it...
  7. Konowa is a powerplant lake so theres usually warm water to hold the bass, its smaller than arbuckle too, could make it easier to locate the fish. Arbuckle on the other hand has some big fish in it! If youre comfortable fishing offshore you could possibly catch some monsters right now.
  8. A-Jay, im diggin the canvas prints. Ive got a few fish that ive wanted to replica mount but no good place to really display them. This however is a great idea! Where do you get the prints done? Also, third pic from the left, is a beautiful pic. Ive seen it here before and for whatever reason the angle and fish are striking! Well done.
  9. Texas rigged weightless, popped like a fluke or jerkbait
  10. I agree, nothing wrong with a spinning setup to get started. My first decent setup was a pflueger president with a medium fast action rod. Still use it all the time even though i lve made the transition to baitcasters.
  11. Fisherman bragging on facebook, to me, is the number one way to ruin a spot. I no longer post any fishing pictures for that very reason. I wont go into details but it happened here very recently.
  12. Lol no kidding! Its sad how easily people are duped by bad photoshoped images these days.
  13. Thanks for the tips, ill keep everyone updated on this thread on my progress
  14. I think im going to make the jump into rod building! Since its my first time and im not sure how well it will go im not planning on spending huge amounts of money right away. Im looking at the CRB starter kit from mudhole that comes with the tools, supplies, and crb rod blank etc. My question is this, how good are the crb blanks? Would they be an upgrade from the basspro graphite series rods? And on that note, anyone use the mhx blanks? If so how do they rate? Lot of questions here and im sure ill need more info and help. Thanks in advance for your help, im excited to make the jump!
  15. When does the tackle warehouse sale usually start?
  16. Thats good to know, are the hooks any good?
  17. Just saw these on Academy's website and wanted to know if anyone has tied one on yet. I know its not live target but if it catches fish it may be worth a look especially for half the price. What are your thoughts?
  18. Stanley top toad
  19. I prefer the size of the 30 series presidents, difference is 5.2:1 for the regular and 6.2:1 on the limited edition
  20. I own both and you cant go wrong with either. One thing to consider is the higher gear ratio available on the limited edition. I actually prefer the slower ratio of the regular president because i tend to fish too fast as it is. Again, both are great reels.
  21. Following this thread. Anyone know if bass eat lightning bugs?
  22. Braid with a flourocarbon leader when necessary
  23. Following this thread
  24. Catt, ive been meaning to ask you this for some time, can you give us some pointers on how to effectively fish offshore? It a technique that i have no experience in but i want to learn.
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