Looking for some opinions from individuals who've been actively involved in successful fishing clubs.
So in Montana we have two primary grassroots tournament trails here that lead out into either B.A.S.S. or TBF/FLW. I fish with both, because I have 2 separate opportunities to make state teams each year and then move on to larger tournaments from there. Our problem lies with bad blood over the original split of the B.A.S.S. and TBF back whenever that was, which I'm not sure if this was a big deal anywhere else, but it was very derisive here between the clubs, and there's still some animosity carried from it that has led to some weird tribalism between the two organizations.
The problem now, is we have clubs that are vying for the same water and same tournament dates, that don't communicate at all, but there's still individuals that double dip and occupy important/officer roles for each organization here, but seem to favor one more than the other and don't advocate for cohabitation on these issues.
To me, this seems like a conflict of interest and decreases the likelihood of clubs communicating. So do you think it would be better to make it that you only can occupy an important role (I.E Tournament Director, President, Conservation Director, etc.) for one organization or the other?
Curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks!