The days of my youth were the opposite. We lived on the Jersey Shore and fished almost every day as long as it wasn't raining or snowing. Mostly salt water or if fresh, it was stocked trout in rivers. I didn't do any bass fishing until my kids were old enough to go so I had to teach myself how to do the bass thing. After a while I got to be fairly good a pounding the banks, I thought I knew how to do this.
Well, because of other things in life I stopped fishing for almost 15 years. In that time we moved to PA, too far to fish in the Manasquan River! So last summer we bought our little boat and off to the races for me. We started in late July last year and I fished from August till it was too cold (probably around the last week of October) without a single fish in the boat.
Over the winter I read everything I could and added much to my tackle collection. As soon as the ice melted last spring (literally three days after it actually melted) I was out there in search of a fish. I have done better this year, I mean how can you do worse than catching nothing? Generally though I get something for my efforts but in the last two or three outings nothing. I know the fish are out there and in my head I believe they are in deep. But for some reason I hesitate to go deeper than 16-18 feet.
It appears to me that Large Mouth Bass are particular, sort of like cats. If they are not interested then well, they are not interested. When they want to play then they play. Having a boat, nice as it is, hasn't increased the numbers of fishes I reel in. In fact, in the good old days I actually did better. But it's worth it because getting out on the water, with 6 fishing poles, three tackle bags stuffed with tackle and a dry livewell, is in fact, still better than being at work.
Just keep trying my brother, keep working that bait. You will get it.