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Everything posted by Heron

  1. I have lead and tungsten for added weight Then it stands to reason, the addition of salt provided no real benefit.
  2. I understand the idea adding salt to soft plastics, is so the fish will hold on to the bait longer. But there is salt on every part of everything...sometimes needlessly. im not a fan of how the salt mucks with the natural buoyancy of the bait. The appendages of a craw, creature bait, or even chunk trailer, should be allowed to float up naturally...not be bogged down with salt. same goes for the tail half of a worm, let it be naturally buoyant, without the salt. I also see absolutely no need, to insert salt into a paddle tail, or any other swimbait. My two cents
  3. Looks like I need get some blues and purples in my collection
  4. Overall, what has most consistently been your top producing worm colors?
  5. Hmm let’s see.. Spinning combos - 1 7’ UL - 1 7’ L - 2 7” Med - 1 7’ MH - 2 8’6” M Baitcasting - 1 7’ MH - 1 7’6” Hvy - 1 8’ Hvy This covers Largemouth, Smallmouth, pike, musky, steelhead/salmon, and panfishing.
  6. I prefer a variety of buzzbaits that produce different sounds. My favorite is the D&M slow roller. There’s nothing like it My least favorite is the cavitron. Only because it has a poorly designed head that does not surface as well as others. Still catches fish though
  7. Personally I’ve since come away from swim jigs. While I thoroughly enjoyed using them and making them, it became more of a satisfying art project, rather than a tool for effective fish catching. I came to notice a few things that has changed my mind about them. 1.) it seemed the bait was no more effective with the skirt, than it was as a plain paddle tail without the skirt. 2.) the bait seemed no more effective with a beautiful, well crafted skirt pattern, than it was with a plain single color like white. 3.) but mostly, I no longer like the way the skirt disrupts the flow of water over the tail of the trailer, impeding the action. But, that being said, I always liked... - Dirty Jigs skirt patterns. - Bass dozer skirts (but I think his stuff had been discontinued)
  8. What’s your favorite color?
  9. Well sir, I can only speak for myself, but I usually prefer a worm profile to be slim, slinky, and slithery, with good buoyancy and a tail that moves as effortlessly as possible. With that, I’ve found that the fish seem to also prefer that same profile most of the time as well. Guess I just dont find the Anaconda to be a good fit.
  10. Sounds good, I think I may have to try some of those
  11. Ooops....yeah that should read Bass Pro ribbon tail
  12. Never seen em. What is it that you like about them?
  13. Fat Ika
  14. It’s the allure of a lure.
  15. What are your favorite Ribbon Tail Worms? So far, mine are as follows... - Culprit Original - Bass Pro Fin-eke - Zoom Ol Monster
  16. Yep, super glue is your friend. ive used glue on the FATs, 3.8” & 2.8”, as well as the 3” & 4” easy shiners. And most often on the little 2” Easy Shiners when getting into a school of Crappie or white bass. using glue makes all the difference in the world, and your baits probably last 4 times as long
  17. I’ve always been a sucker for realistic looking craws, so I had to give this a try.... the short story is - it didn’t disappoint, and the fish approved the long story is. It looks great, durability is nice, good buoyancy. Great size for both Largemouth and Smallmouth. Excellent bait to use in clear-to-semi stained waters. Just slow drag it along the bottom with pauses to make it sit there and look pretty, and you will get some pickups. looks great on a jig, and shakeyhead. Today I rigged it to a small weighted swimbait hook, dragged along partially gravel bottom. It slides across the rocks like riding a sled. but does it catch fish that other baits won’t? That’s debatable. But surely a good option to dial in fish that might be in a certain “mood” all in all, liked it, good bait, I think it will be a keeper for me
  18. Bruiser baits Big Nasty - 14.5” Uptons 13”, 16” and bigger Straight tail worms. East County Tackle in San Diego May still have some
  19. I’m always re evaluating my gear, because I only want my fishing collection comprised of things that I regularly use. Just sold off a bunch of stuff the other day
  20. Is it strange that I’ve not noticed any fishing improvement with an under spin vs. plain paddletail without an underspin? i have yet to encounter any scenario when swimbait on an underspin was decidedly more productive than without the underspin. but that’s just me
  21. Owner Ultrahead has always worked well for me
  22. Personally, I have not noticed any difficulty shopping at my local Cabela’s store or any local shops
  23. Just discovered this brand since Upton’s seems to be disappearing. Ok....Wow. This is the best looking straight tail worm I’ve ever observed in the water. Cant speak yet about catchability and durability, since they just came back in the mail. But with regards to appearances in the water on a shakey head....the slender profile and the super soft material give it a lifelike appearance that surpasses any other worm. Amazing, I rate it a 12/10. Oh, also worth mentioning...the worms do not get kinked in the package, no matter how scrunched they may look, they seem to always come out of the package perfectly straight. bonus
  24. Mostly 2.8 & 3.8
  25. Heron

    Frog hack

    Using braided line with hollow body frogs is a definite must. however, if your using mono or fluorocarbon, you can do well by putting a split ring on the frog, and tying the line to that. this allows enough “play” to bring out much of that walk the dog action
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