I’ve always been a sucker for realistic looking craws, so I had to give this a try....
the short story is - it didn’t disappoint, and the fish approved
the long story is. It looks great, durability is nice, good buoyancy. Great size for both Largemouth and Smallmouth. Excellent bait to use in clear-to-semi stained waters. Just slow drag it along the bottom with pauses to make it sit there and look pretty, and you will get some pickups.
looks great on a jig, and shakeyhead. Today I rigged it to a small weighted swimbait hook, dragged along partially gravel bottom. It slides across the rocks like riding a sled.
but does it catch fish that other baits won’t? That’s debatable. But surely a good option to dial in fish that might be in a certain “mood”
all in all, liked it, good bait, I think it will be a keeper for me