I have a 1992 Lund similar to the one Robeng described. I also fish alone a lot, and it is a great boat for one or two people. (Mine is 16 feet.) A couple of suggestions:
I generally fish sitting down, rather than standing. If you use a bow mounted trolling motor, you will find that it is pretty cramped for space for your feet, sitting on the bow seat. I replaced the seat pedestal with an off-set one. Lund uses Springfield bases, so you can get the off-set one at BPS. It swivels and gives you plenty of room. Made a big difference.
I replaced my carpeted trailer with one with rollers. It was just too hard to crank the boat onto the trailer. But I'm in my 70's - may not be a problem for you.
Since you fish alone, I would get an inflatable life vest. I used to take my vest off because it was uncomfortable to sit in the seats with the thick vest on. Then a guy drowned on our lake after his boat swamped - probably because of the wake from a big boat. Now I wear an inflatable all the time - I'm not even aware that it is on.
Lunds are top quality boats, and one like you describe should serve you well.