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  • Gender
  • Location
    philadelphia, PA
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    luxembourg, van sciver, peace valley reservoir

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. never even thought about bearings being places other than the actual reel itself. good points!
  2. I like this idea,.. especially because it seems like this is what the fish are doing to me sometimes. I try to set on that tap the first time and seems like its not in their mouth, so I'm going to give this a shot. and dont worry it doesnt sound too complex. tap boom set, crank down a little on the set. I think I got it! the story about running up the bank to set the hook is very funny by the way!!
  3. thats what I figured, Ive felt reels that were more smooth than ones that had more bearings. although I must say their tactics worked when i was first starting out haha
  4. I was always curious about how much the number of bearings has to do with the actual quality of the reel? When I was first getting into bass fishing and making my first reel purchases I really really paid major attention to the number of bearings inside of the reel. It played a major part in my purchase. For example the first spinning reel I bought was an okuma stratus 2500. The reel was on sale for 40$ and had 9 ball bearings. I thought this must of ment that the reel was of excellent quality. Although I got lucky and I love the reel and still use it to this day, Im sure I could of bought a reel with less bearings that was better quality. I also noticed when I first started shopping that shimano, although expensive reels and good quality, had a low BB count compared to other reels in their price range. So my question is how much attention do you guys pay to the number of BB when making a purchase? What number of bearings would you find to be sufficient and everything over that number just an added benefit? tight lines everybody -Ryan
  5. what exactly is smelly jelly? ...Im assuming some type of attractant? have anything to do with keeping the bream fish away?
  6. funny you mention the fishes lack of urgency.. I noticed the same thing. I also fish them very slow, sometimes even just hopping it off the bottom with a quarter oz bullet pinned down. I have definitely noticed that sometimes it doesn't seem like they're really chasing it down and then slamming it, more seems like they slowly approach it and then grab the fluke. Also I should of mentioned that I do fish my flukes tex-posed 99% of the time, and just like you mentioned I bring the hook through and let it sit in the little crease thats on the top of the fluke.
  7. thanks for the quick replies and all the great information, this is the most helpful forum I've ever came across. Can not believe what a great community this is... on a side note I just got back from fishing for a couple hours at a local pond. No missed fish and I was able to bring in 2 decent ones.. which in my area is around 2.5- 3 lbs. cant complain!
  8. sounds like I'm already using the snap set unintentionally.. and when I take my time and relax I use the reel and rod sweep set. seems to be the most effective for me. thank you for all the information though I appreciate it.
  9. thats mostly what Ive been trying to do... just calm myself down and not get so excited everytime I think theres a possibility of grabbing a fish haha. Also trying to learn the proper technique of setting hooks and different ways for different lures.
  10. maybe your right, Im in the suburbs of philadelphia. the bite im talking about seems different but still a big bite. I never feel them pick it up and swim away when I miss, I just feel the common one or two ticks in my rod, definitely a bite of some sorts though
  11. so first off I apologize if this is a topic that has already been talked about, im new to the forums and other than my introduction post this is my first official post. Let me start off by saying this is my second season really taking bass fishing seriously, and my first season doing anything besides bank fishing (just purchased my first kayak this spring) Now to the reason for the post... When I was just starting out, whenever I would feel the slightest difference in my bait, I would go for a hook set.. and i mean I would really go for it!! most of the time I would miss the fish because they hadnt had a chance to fully commit to the bite or other reasons, and when I would get the fish.. I was bending out hooks left and right on certain rods. I was able to break the habit by really calming myself down. Now I seem to be getting back into the same old habit, but oddly enough its only when fishing flukes and other small swimbaits. thats the ONLY bait ill really get excited and rip at the fish immediately after I feel something. I guess I'm looking for advice on how to calm yourself down and not just have that immediate reaction to rip as hard as you can. my rod I use for t-rigged soft plastics is a 7ft medium extra fast rod. Its what I've came to like for that application... I just really need to find a way to calm myself down and wait until the fish swims off with the plastic and then go for the appropriate hook set. thanks for baring with me guys and I hope to hear some good responses. p.s. what do you guys use for your t-rigged soft plastic rods and reel ratios.
  12. Thank you everyone this community seems amazing. Hopefully I'll have some good stuff to write about after this weekend me and a buddy are taking a yak trip to a new fishery we've never been before. I'm just more excited about him letting me test out his *** *** !!
  13. i live about 15 minutes from there, Im in langhorne. Im not a member so ive never fished those lakes though. I have a kayak and also do a lot of bank fishing, I yak fish core creek and silver lake a lot though if your familiar with those areas
  14. Hello everyone! Ive been reading on the forum for a little while now but finally decided to dive in head first and make a username so I can get more out of this. My name is Ryan, Im 23, and although I have been fishing for some time now I have just recently gotten serious with the bass fishing in the past 2 years. I fish the small lakes and ponds in my area and also the deleware river, but my favorite spots are 2 little honeyhole private farm ponds ive been lucky enough to gain access to. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Im sure you guys will see me around nagging and asking questions and learning. hope everyone is having good fishing, the bites been tough the past 2 weeks here!
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