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Everything posted by MasterBasster09

  1. Bro it says "Lucky 7" although my son is not a Michael Vick fan. lol.
  2. My son Will's first fish. Not a bass but a species that we always called a sucker growing up. Caught it at the same creek in the same spot i caught my first fish many many years ago. We had a blast. He played in the dirt most of the time but he definitely wants to go back. Just look at that smile. He even threw it back in.
  3. Great story and pic...I'm taking my son on his first fishing trip tomorrow at a small creek that is loaded with bluegill. Its the same place my dad took me on my first trip when i was a kid. He is 3 and half years old. We are going to dig up our own worms and we will probably spend more time getting unhung than fishing but i have really been looking forward to it and its all he has talked about this whole week. I'll come back here and let you guys know how it went with hopefully some pictures of his first fish. Just remember guys....and gals. Take a kid fishing is not a joke. I'm 42 years old now and its one of the most vivid memories i have as a child of my father(who has been gone for about 10 years now) and me. Congrats to the poster for taking the time to give his stepson a memory he will never forget.
  4. It had been a couple of days since the rain but we had severe flooding down here. Plus we had a cold front come through the night before. Water temps were around 49-51 degrees. Winds got pretty high as the day went on. We had bluebird skies that day and i threw a spinnerbait alot in heavy cover but got nothing on it. My thinking was the flash and vibration might trigger some strikes. We also threw Cranks and traps alot in cover but still ...nothing. We tried fishing out closer to the main river channel but the water was so muddy and full of debris that it made it hard to troll or run the big motor. Everyone i talked to had a tough day down there last weekend. I'm definitely ready to get some clearer water and warmer water temps. We may have caught them saturday but i think we just couldn't find them. If you don't get the lure in front of their face in these kind of conditions then they ain't gonna bite.
  5. Fished for the first time on the big lake this weekend. Tough ..tough conditions but at least the weather was nice. Muddy water from the flooding we have had here this week made for a tough day all around. I'm not sure where the bass are hiding right now but they are hiding good. Wasn't seeing anything much on the fishfinder and i was staying pretty much back in the creeks and coves where the water was starting to clear up. The main river was still raging pretty good. The bite was non existant. We caught 2 white bass on crankbait and that was it. We left after about 4 hours of hard fishing and throwing everything we had at them. The wind got bad(It was supposed to be calm according to the waetherman.) and the fish just had lockjaw. I'm not sure where they were but we could not find them in the creeks and coves. Maybe they were back out in the main river system. I really just had no idea where to look. Tough first trip all around though.
  6. yeah..i'm figuring the river system will still be rough...just wondering about how the coves and creeks will be. I figure they will clear before anything else does. Thinking about putting in at Brushy branch and working my way to Alabama. Cove to cove.
  7. With all the rain and flooding we have had in the area...anybody think it will be fishable by Saturday??? I was planning my first trip but i may stick to some smaller lakes if the water is gonna be to muddy from all the run off. Any of you Weiss lake fisherman with some experience at this have any idea???
  8. I was fishing in a small 2 man boat earlier this year and set the hook on a fish and when i did the handle from the trolling motor knocked my rod right out of my hand and that thing sunk like the Titanic. I'd had that rod for around 11 years and it broke my heart. I threw a deep diving crankbait to see if i could retrieve it but i couldn't get it down far enough. I think it sunk in about 25 feet of water. Good news was i got to go get me a new rod and reel after that because the wife actually felt sorry for me!! ;D
  9. This is sound advice and i would like to add ..don't get hung up on one lure or one type of lure in different colors. What makes a great fisherman is being versatile and adapting to what the fish are telling you.
  10. I'd bet money those fish were caught up river to. I would be willing to say you are exactly right. Another guy weighed in a 17 pound stringer and had one fish alive. They were letting people weigh dead fish that day because of the extreme heat. He told me he caught them all before 10am that day. Didn't tell me what he caught them on though.
  11. well i fished my first tournament a couple of weks ago on Weiss and the conditions were similar. Water temps reached the 90s that day and we didn't have a fish in the boat(yes i was fishing the back) for the first 4 hours. We tried alot of techniques. We finnally started catching a few on a weighted Senko on ledges close to the channel. I brought in the first keeper, and then slammed a nice 3.6 pounder about 4 casts later. My partner caught one keeper and we weighed in 3 fish totaling a little over 6 pounds. I lost another fish on spinnerbait that morning that actually broke me off. This may or may not have been a bass. My point is if i had stuck with spinnerbait all day, i may not have caught anything. I had 4 rods rigged up and ready to go. We never really got on them but we were just proud that we didn't weigh in a goose egg which alot of boats did that day. BTW..19.9 lbs won the tournament and i think a majority of those were caught on crankbait as well.
  12. Congrats on the new PB
  13. Keep your head up my friend. I went 2 years without catching a bass that hit the 3 pound mark. Broke my slump late last fall with a 3.3 and have been on fire this year. It goes in cycles. If you are fishing small waters, senko worms, and spinnerbaits have been good for me this year. One piece of advice though in weather like this. Fish as slow as you can possibly fish. When you get as slow as you think you can go, go slower than that. Whoever said wacky rigging a senko is giving you good sound advice. Try different things and eventually you will hit on the right combination. Most of all....stay after it!! Good luck and don't come back on here until you have a fish story!!! That is all!!
  14. Congrats on the catch and your personal best. There ain't nothing that makes your heart jump more than a topwater bite. 8-) One piece of advice...invest in a decent digital scale. That way you can put a weight with your catch instead of guessing. If i had to guess though, that looks like a solid 3 lbs.
  15. Sounds like you had a fun day. Just remember that the pain you are feeling is good pain. That second photo definitely shows some sort of irregular growth on that fish. He may not be with us much longer. :-/
  16. Anybody fish with these?? Are they any good? I was looking at the spinnerbait/worm model 7' ft. They have these on sale at Collinsville AL. Trade day for 70.00.
  17. Thanks guys! Yeah..the fish did slam me. Whats funny is that after i had caught that 3.0 lber, i had made the comment that i couldn't imagine what a big one would feel like hitting a spinnerbait. Well now i know! She was caught on a Strike King white 1/4 ounce spinnerbait. Gold and silver, willow/indiana blade combo and she was released safely back into the lake. When i got her up close to the boat, she was pulling so hard that i honestly thought she was going to pull the rod out of my hands!! It was unreal.
  18. Well.. today was interesting to say the least. I have really got into spinnerbait fishing lately and i must say the video on spinnerbait fishing on this site is the REAL DEAL. Yes folks....LumaFlex skirts do make a difference. I fished this same lake with my wife last Friday and caught 2 bass on spinnerbait. I had ordered some lumaflex skirts from JoBaby lures and i changed out the skirt this morning before i left and wham! I got slammed today. I decided that i was going to fish buzzbait-spinnerbait for the majority of the day today. After 3 nice bites on Buzz this morning, it got hot. I decided to throw the spinnerbait. I caught one pretty quick and then the bass started nailing it. I caught a 3 and a 2.5 pounder on back to back casts. I felt like if i could get the depth right, i was going to have a chance to catch a big fish. Well...about 8 or 9 casts later....Boom!!! I had a nice one on. After one tremendous jump i boated her and she was sweet!! She weighed 6.1 pounds on my digital scale, making her the second biggest bass i have ever caught. All in all i caught about 12 bass on spinnerbait today including a 4 pound brute to end the day. Many thanks to Bass resource for the video. I would have never thought something as subtle as skirt texture would make that big a difference. Needless to say i have alot more confidence throwing spinnerbait after today and after watching that video. Below are some pics of the big girl from today.
  19. Thanks for all the advice guys! We are going to try Goose Pond launching ramp and see what happens. I'll give you guys a full report on how we did and hopefully some pictures as well! Thanks again!
  20. I hear Goose pond is a good place to fish. I really don't want to just wander around aimlessly. We really wanted to fish some pads. Where is a good launching point and what other advice do any of you "veterans" have for our trip?? Thanks in advance.
  21. Had a great day Saturday in windy conditions on Lake Weiss. We were fishing in a small cove where a couple of guys were already fishing. We saw them pull a couple out of some grass beds and then they left. We went in behind them and WHAM...my father in law nails a nice 5.8 pounder on a senko. Then i caught a nice 4.7 pounder on a senko. Over 10 pounds of fish on 2 casts!! Hope those guys weren't fishing a tournament. We had a solid day with about 25 total bass in all. Here are some pics: Father in law with 5.8 pounder Me with a 4.7 pounder Casey with a nice 2.5. We caught quite a few like this. All in all a great day. The kicker is we were fishing about 400-500 yards from where we launched the boat.
  22. Hey guys, Just wanted to share a story with you that has been on going since last fall. My father in law started bass fishing last fall. He has always fished but never really knew alot about bass fishing. he was more of the bream crappie fisherman. Anyway...he started bass fishing with me last fall and started learning how to work soft plastics, crankbaits, spinnners and some topwater baits. Once he got the hang of it, he really took to it well. He caught some bass, had some success but never could land a really nice bass in the 3-4 pound range. It was the strangest thing..between last fall and this spring we never boated a bass any bigger than 2 pounds and 2 ounces. I felt bad because i really wanted him to catch a nice bass. I've always said the fever doesn't truely set in until you catch that first real nice bass. Well...we set out today to a local private spot that I have fished for about 3 years. This lake is crystal clear and the first time I fished it was from the bank and i saw a monster. This fish would have easily went 10 plus. It was HUGE. That same day we found one dead and floating in the lake that weighed 9 pounds and 3 ounces. I have always known their were some big fish in this lake but I had never caught anything bigger than 2 pounds. Well...today we started out throwing Texas rigged worms of various colors and caught a fish here and there. Earlier in the morning we saw 2 bass that were pretty good size swimming toward the middle away from a fallen tree. One of the bass looked to be a REALLY good size fish in the crystal clear water. My FIL had just gotten a hit but had gotten hung up in the same tree. We left the area and returned several times and saw the same bass swimming around the area. She looked to be a late spawner but she wouldn't hit anything and we couldn't pin point her bed. After about 3 hours fishing with decent results of slicks and a few keepers here and there, we went back to the spot were we saw the big bass. MY FIL decided to throw a 6" watermelon and black flake Senko rigged weightless. We saw the big girl again and i told him.."look you have been after a bass like this since you started...take your time and make her bite! " While i turned my back to the spot in our little 2 man bass boat and started fishing deeper water, he kept throwing at her. Finnally...he got a bite...set the hook and ...POP!! instant line break!!!! He was so dissapointed because he knew he had hooked up with a really good bass. I told him..."calm down...it happens to all of us. Did you have a fray in your line?? What pound test are you fishing??? He told me: 12 pound test. I thought...wait a minute let me see your rod! I got his reel and checked his drag and it was locked tighter than a snare drum. He had forgot to check it that morning when we started out!! I finnally got it broke loose and we noticed the big girl was back in her hole and this time we had the bed pretty much pin pointed. I told him..."keep throwing at her because she may not have been the one that hit you. Remember...there were several good bass in this area earlier in the day." 2 casts later and i couldn't believe it...another hook set and this time ZIIIIINNNNGGGG!!! Out went his drag and i knew he had locked onto ANOTHER good bass!! This time she was hooked good and she wasn't gonna snap him. I hollered: " get that rod tip down!!" Then she came up and i thought i was gonna have a heart attack!! She was a monster!! Several runs and rolls later and a near hanging in my trolling motor, i had her in the net and my FIL' s search for a good bass was over!! I think this was more than he bargained for. We couldn't believe the size of this pig. She just didn't look this big in the water. I got out my old trusty Berkely scale and she tipped in at a whopping 7 pounds and 8 ounces. What a beautiful fish she was. I don't think it was the same fish that snapped him because i saw no visible marks on her jaw. I was so happy for my FIL and am bursting with pride that i was with him when he got his "bigun!" After a short video and a few pics, we released her right back at her bedding spot and she swam right back to it. We went on to have the best day we ever had at the lake. All on Senkos. Later on my FIL hooked another 5 plus but she threw the hook. We caught about 30 plus bass today and had a memory that we will never forget. Enclosed is a picture of my FIL with his new PERSONAL BEST. Thanks for reading guys. God Bless and Good Fishing!
  23. One other thing...water is moderately stained and there is plenty of structure.
  24. First trip of 09. Farm pond...only fished by one other person. Has the potential for big bass. High of 74 tomorrow with light and variable winds. low will be 45. Could see some some biggies on bed tomorrow. What would you throw??
  25. Don't sweat it man. My wife has been bass fishing 3 times in her life and she has beat me 2 of them(see post on this page) and theother time we both got skunked. I have never beat her fishing. She does fish the front of my little 2 man job though.
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