Being a kayak fisherman I run into many jerk faced power boaters with big egos. This cat thought it would be cool to A. wake me from about 15 feet away. B. Pull up right behind me and start fishing around me C. Cast about 3 feet from my kayak. I keep a 3/4 oz jig tied on at all times anyways. Sometimes it comes in handy more than others. We exchanged words, and I invited him to the boat ramp. Keep in mind that I had been fishing one cove all morning and he pulls in about 2 hours after first light and starts this jazz. No tournaments going on, just leisure fishing.
I'm not so small when I am on dry land. Ole buy didn't want any part of me then. I took his numbers off the boat and called the GW afterwards. He said to video his antics if there were a next time.