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Everything posted by atcoha

  1. I have a lot of those days. But I go back and try my luck anyway.
  2. Plenty of golf course ponds and a few others. Destin/sandestin area. Google map it, you will see enough to keep you busy. You might need to enable stealth mode at some of the courses...Close to the bass pro, just east is a nice course with many ponds, park at the rooms to go and "walk on"...:) I'm over their working alot, but have only had time to fish one pond at some apartments close to the airport, did not catch anything. But I do know the course ponds have bass. And there are tons of golf courses in that area.
  3. those should work just right, unless you hook up with the occasional bull red. But that just makes it more fun. Good luck!
  4. Good topic. I grew up fishing. Some of my earliest memories are waking up before daylight with my grandpa, he would take me bass fishing in the canals. Some times I did not want to get up. When I was big enough, me and friends would ride our bikes to the canals and fish. My dad had a gnarly old boat we would fish biscayne bay. My stepdad had a boat, in my pubescent years, we would fish biscayne bay, florida bay, mangroves, everglades, flamingo, wherever. I stopped fishing for many years, life got in the way. I got married, my paw inlaw had a boat, we would go all the time. I love to fish, but it's different than it used to be. I'm older, it's more enjoyable to me now. Although, I don't stay on the water from dark to dark anymore. My son fishes some, bass fishing can be a little slow for him at times, so he does not go all the time with me. My youngest girl goes with me a lot, she loves it, and she can hang with anyone. If I had to guess, it would have been the way I was raised, fishing from an early age with people that have left an impression on who I am. To me, it's more than just something to do, and I want to pass that passion on to my kids, and hopefully, them to theirs.
  5. Nice one! I'm jealous.
  6. Went to Mississippi early this morning, hoping to hook some with frogs. No top water action, some shad rippling water here and there once in awhile. Chatterbait got me one in about 3 casts. After that went to spinnerbaits, different sizes and colors, no action. After me a some fellow chatted for a few minutes, I hit the deep water. Threw the swim jig with a 3.8 keitech trailer. Hooked up almost immediately, just a dink but he thought he was 5#. Tied on the bigger keitech swimbait, hooked up with another dink. Lost another. That's about all the action today, did throw a senko at the boat ramp, sometimes I get lucky there. Packed it up and came home early. p.s. weather was about 50 this morning, small cold front has come through the past few days. Rain last weekend and early in the week. Warmed up by 10am to 75. Water was 72-73.
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  7. I like the ol monster's, cmac, bruisers and gamblers. Bringing some bruisers tomorrow with me, why not. Dragging them on a 1/2 oz. swing jig.
  8. I've been thinking about that same boat, but the v marsh model. Just can't pull the trigger, but I sure want it.
  9. I've done similar before...once... I got my wife a nice gift from me and the kids, and she bought something else she wanted, even called to ask me if it's ok... My wife is the most unselfish person I have known. And she knows, she does not have to ask me anything ever about spending $, especially on herself. She just does not do it...sometimes to a fault. I am a lucky man, and our kids know they could not ask for a better mother. Spend the $ on your honey, surprise her with something nice that she will always remember. It does not have to be a $4k wedding band upgrade, but whatever you have to do to let her know she is always on your mind and in your heart. You never know what tomorrow will bring... Good luck my friend.
  10. went back this morning. Weather was nice, a little breeze. Lost a few lizards, and caught nothing...
  11. Went this morning... 2nd cast felt some nips...reeled in and threw back towards the overhanging branches. He gobbled it up. Rage bug. No other action. Lost a nice jig and a swing head Headed home.
  12. i think gotcha plugs are standard issue on piers. I don't fish piers anymore, but in the past, I would use cut bait on the dropper rig or carolina type rig, or just freeline whole cigar minnows. The piers around me have been over run, not any fun to fish from, let alone take your kids. Good luck.
  13. What are you targeting? Iv'e never used the bubble rig, but some locals do...You will probably be able to find them at the local bait shop where you are going...??? The locals will give you some good advice on tackle setups/techniques...and tell you what's biting. Good luck!
  14. nice...
  15. Agree
  16. Hit up the creek about 9:30 this morning. Trick worm, 10" bruiser worm, baby dbombs, brushhog, ...nothing. Stayed for about an hour. Did see a cottonmouth trying to get across the creek, that was the only excitement. I forgot, I did catch pickeral....but forgot about him...lol
  17. I grew up listening to him also. The great 80's...That summer of "Purple Rain" is one I will NEVER forget. Dang, I'm old.
  18. Not likely. Every other online store I use, don't have this problem.
  19. lol, so would I...when I could remember.
  20. YES!. I hated coming back next evening and having to go back and add stuff, and then forget what I had in my cart.
  21. Another great example of consumer choice. I do go to BPS, but only on occasion I feel like browsing. Most of my bass fishing $ is spent at TW. Can't beat the selection or price. And to all the peeps that shout "buy local", most of us make an effort, but a dollar only goes so far.
  22. Beautiful day. Did some yard work, then headed to the creek about 2pm. Water was normal, but vis was about 6 inches, if that. Threw a small jig. Threw it up between the bank and a submerged log next to a tree, got whacked HARD, then snap. Broke me off at the leader to braid...ah. Usually don't have a problem with that, but will double check next trip. It happens. No other action after throwing a black and blue jig. Came home to watch the end of the race.
  23. shots fired
  24. 10' and any wind will have you "workin'" more than fishing. Check craigslist for a used 12', you will be better off.
  25. Anyone else try and watch this show? I caught the first one, and there's another on tv now... My $.02 A couple guys make a show about chopping down bushes and stuff to get the boat into "top secret" lakes nobody knows about.... My response? The first show was entirely about laboring through thick cane, mud and stuff. No fishing. The one that's on right now is basically the same show, just another episode, no fishing. Can someone contact these guys and let them know airboats and choppers HAVE been invented, or just put the show on the DIY channel and name it, "brush removal from a boat." What a waste. They missed the mark by mile.
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