Good topic.
I grew up fishing. Some of my earliest memories are waking up before daylight with my grandpa, he would take me bass fishing in the canals.
Some times I did not want to get up. When I was big enough, me and friends would ride our bikes to the canals and fish. My dad had a gnarly old boat we would fish biscayne bay. My stepdad had a boat, in my pubescent years, we would fish biscayne bay, florida bay, mangroves, everglades, flamingo, wherever. I stopped fishing for many years, life got in the way. I got married, my paw inlaw had a boat, we would go all the time. I love to fish, but it's different than it used to be. I'm older, it's more enjoyable to me now. Although, I don't stay on the water from dark to dark anymore. My son fishes some, bass fishing can be a little slow for him at times, so he does not go all the time with me. My youngest girl goes with me a lot, she loves it, and she can hang with anyone. If I had to guess, it would have been the way I was raised, fishing from an early age with people that have left an impression on who I am. To me, it's more than just something to do, and I want to pass that passion on to my kids, and hopefully, them to theirs.