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Everything posted by Ersteman

  1. What does confident fishing mean to you? What are things you've done to increase confidence?
  2. Thanks. Other than the Niagara River event, how do anglers qualify for the classic now? Points?
  3. I searched a bit, but don't have time to do more digging. I read that KVD gets a Classic berth with his win this past weekend on Niagara. Why didn't any of his prior wins this year qualify him for the Classic in 2017? An answer or link to an article would with the answers are both fine. Thanks.
  4. Thanks guys. I have a few Keitechs I will try.
  5. I want to add a large soft plastic swimbait on the Bubba Shot and wanted to fish it deep on Douglas Lake with a vertical presentation. Can you recommend a soft plastic swimbait(that doesn't break the bank) to put on my beefier drop shot rig? I don't want it to float too high or sink too low. I was thinking giving the magnum fluke a try, but I don't want to buy a bunch of baits to have them not work. Have you guys tried this before? The reason for doing the Bubba Drop shot instead of fishing a regular swimbait set up is because I wanted a more vertical presentation. Does anyone see any problems with attempting this technique? I was going to go with something like 40lb braid with a 8 or 10lb fluoro leader.
  6. It's awesome isn't it. Sounds like the first of many adventures. I choose to fish early mornings to beat the wind as much as I can. I haven't tried a wind sock yet. Glad to hear your first day was a success.
  7. Tendinitis of any kind sucks. Due to tendons healing slower than muscles, you have to give yourself plenty of rest to recover. I'm talking 3 weeks to 2 months of rest to fully recover. Tendons can trick you too. You'll feel good but they are not able to sustain casting, and you'll hurt the 2nd day after casting. But once youre fully healed, you have to ease into muscle strengthening exercises on a regular basis; increasing the reps/weight as you feel stringer. Then once you're conditioned, you can ease back into it, continuing to rest and also muscle train. Only then will you fully recover. I've had tendonitis playing tennis, rock climbing, and fishing. When you get older you have to take more action. And it really sucks to put down the rod for a long period of time but sometimes it's the best thing to do.
  8. Just curious as to the reasons why you would use this technique over standard pitching and flipping? Thanks
  9. What a great day. What river were you on and what section of it? Is it the 'chucky?
  10. Agreed. It's a must have for me as well. Works like a dream on mono, especially spraying the reel the night before fishing. It really lets it sit in and relaxes the mono.
  11. I took my 20 month old daughter fishing for the first time and she loved it. I went to a small pond. She touched her first bass with both hands. She spent most of the time throwing rocks in the pond, but it was really great having her their with me. When it was time to leave, she threw the biggest fit crying at the top of her lungs. I guess I have a new fishing buddy now. Cheers!
  12. I was in the same spot you were in 2 years ago. I bought the Simms gloves and thought they were a bit pricy, but they really have been worth it. I don't fish all that much, but I still have them and use them almost everytime I go out. They are thin and flexable and prevent me from getting burned. 100% worth it and highly recommend them.
  13. I had Strike King jigs and they chipped whenever you hit anything. I switched to Siebert Jigs and never looked back. They don't chip. I smoked a rock last year and figured my jig was done. Nope, just a small dent on the jig, but paint held up surprisingly and there was no chips. Siebert sets new standards in paint durability.
  14. True. I guess that's why I carry a scale with me every time I go fishing. That way there's little speculation.
  15. Look at Joey Bass' fish he caught in a post in this section of the forums about 10 posts down from your's. His bass was 5 pounds 2 ounces. See how your fish compares to his and there's your best estimate. Keep in mind perspective. You look smaller(skinnier) than Joey Bass, so factor that in too.
  16. Thanks guys
  17. Thanks. You have no problems with hook sets? Do you cut the bait to help the bait slide down the hook? Visually, it doesn't look like there's much room for the bait to move down the hook and to hook into the fish's mouth, but if it works, it works.
  18. I have some Yum Money, some Keitech Fat, and Big Bite swimbaits and would like to use them and try them out this year. What size works for you guys when you throw 5" and 6" swimbaits? The 3/0 seems too small for the 4.8 Keitechs, or maybe I rigged it wrong. It just seems like there is not much room for the bait to slide down the hook shank to get the hook in the fish's mouth for the hookset. Please list your particular brand if it works and explain to me why it works. I like to know the reasons why and not just blindly do things. If you could also explain the particulars on the rigging. i.e. do you cut the bait with scissors? Do you tex-spose the hook? Thanks.
  19. At least you were out on the river. Interesting that none of those techniques worked. Yah, I'm hoping this warming spell will get the bass to move up and feed. Gonna hit some ponds this weekend, maybe today if it's not raining.
  20. I'm right there with you, Woody. Getting my rods and reels ready for a weekend of fishing. Today it's going to be 74 here in Pittsburgh, so the feeling is definitely going to be in the air. Going to hit up a little pond to see the activity levels. Hitting the lakes Sat and Sun. Good luck fishing! Gundog, let me know how you do on the Susky. I've been wanting to take a trip out there this year sometime.
  21. Sometimes bass get smarter and learn and adapt. So too, do you have to adapt. Throw more lifelike lures, throw baits that aren't usually thrown. Vary your presentations and retrieves until you can find something that works. If it were me, I'd go early in the morning, even before the sun comes up and start fishing. Good luck. Are you fishing the ponds now? Weather has been ice cold here in Pittsburgh until this week. I'll be going out the first time this weekend.
  22. Well, I heard Ashley planted brush piles and fished them in the 2015 Classic. Also heard Evers planted brush piles in Grand. I understand it's legal. I don't think it should be legal. Whether he actually fished them or not is another question. If someone could verify or refute this statement, I would appreciate it. I read articles and watched a lot of the classic online, so my memory is failing me as to the source of the "planting brush piles" statement. If the winners are planting brush piles, pretty soon everyone is going to be doing it.
  23. Thank you to those mentioning Fat Cat Newton. I had never heard of him. Funniest fishing videos I've ever seen. I love the comments too, at the people who think he's serious. Those vids caught me laughing out loud at work.
  24. Yah, I would like to see KVD make a run. He was commentating last year, which I enjoyed. Does anyone know if they are going to have a pro commentating again this year? It's kind of like the biggest loser award. You don't get to fish the classic and you have to watch and comment on how everyone else is doing.
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