I received one of my two Daiwa Alphas SV105Ls in the mail today. It seems very nice, but it was dark when I got home from work so I didn't get to cast it at all. :-(
One interesting thing I noticed: in the instruction sheet (which is printed only in Japanese) there is a drawing of a hand holding the rod/reel (apparently to cast) so the reel is on its side. This drawing has a shaded circle around it. Next is a similar drawing, but with the rod/reel held so the reel is horizontal, like you'd hold it when you're retrieving. There is a shaded "X" through that drawing. The next drawing shows the hand holding the rod with the reel horizontal making a casting motion, and circular arrows seem to indicate the crank handle turning. There are some lightning bolts coming from the reel and, to the right, a paragraph with a large exclamation point inside a triangle at the top.
I guess I can figure that an X through the drawing, lighting bolts coming from the reel, and a large exclamation point inside a triangle all represent bad stuff. My interpretation of all this is that you should not hold the rod so the reel is horizontal when you cast, as it may cause the handle to turn and engage the gearing during the cast.
I looked on Daiwa's website for a manual for the similar (identical?) US version so I could be sure, but they didn't list one.
Anyway, I know some people recommend casting with the reel held vertically because they claim there is less drag on the spool and spool bearings that way. But I don't cast that way. I think I hold it pretty close the way I hold it when retrieving. I've never had a problem doing that, and it has not yet caused lightning bolts to shoot from my reels. :-)
Is the SV105 different in some way, that casting like this could be a problem? Am I the only guy who doesn't cast with his reel tipped up on its side? Or are the "X" through the drawing, the lightning bolts, and the exclamation point inside the triangle all good things in Japanese? ;-)