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Everything posted by desmobob

  1. Truth be told, I don't own a Shimano bait caster. But I do remember a big discussion about the need to lube the brakes regularly. Anyway, one or another of my Lews reels will do it once in a great while. Most times, it goes away on its own. Otherwise, a quick wipe of the brake drum with a Q-tip with a tiny bit of oil on it will fix it right up. I'm neither a Shimano fanboy or hater. I don't have a Shimano bait caster, but I have at least four of their spinning reels, and two bicycles outfitted with their components. Tight lines, Bob
  2. Is it a loud squealing from the brakes? No problem. A lot of reels will do it. Wipe a very, very light film of oil on the brake drum. Tight lines, Bob
  3. I have two Tatulas and four Lews Tournament Pros. They are both great reels, but the Lews TP is my favorite, by far. You really have to get both, so you can decide which YOU prefer! Tight lines, Bob
  4. Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! Better lay off the mushrooms, bigbill. Tight lines, Bob
  5. Pain is God's way of letting you know you're still alive. Glad you're still with us! Hope you make a quick recovery and the repairs were a success. Tight lines, Bob
  6. I hesitate to step on big wolf spiders that get in the house because hearing/feeling a spider that large squish would gross me out. There is NO WAY I'd stomp a giant spider like that one! (And I'd be a afraid I'd get splattered if I hit it with a big stick.) The only solution for one that size is gunshots, or cleaving it with a very big knife or machete! Tight lines, Bob
  7. I got out on the water at 10 am... it was up to 33*. I picked up a couple of decent largemouths right away, then couldn't buy a bite for the rest of the day! The wind was nasty and prevented me from fishing a couple of spots I usually hit. It was a good day, though. The sun came out and it was fairly comfortable if I stayed out of the wind. Unfortunately, the spots that weren't windy weren't good fishing spots! [Check out the difference between the lateral stripes on these two bass....] Today was my last day out with the boat for the season. I'll get her wrapped up and put away this weekend (or maybe tomorrow if it doesn't rain). I had a safe and enjoyable season, and I hope everyone else did, too. Tight lines, Bob
  8. If spiders got that big where I live, I'd never leave the house without my Colt Combat Commander and Busse Battle Mistress!!! Tight lines, Bob
  9. ^ +1 It's like a rubber band! ;-) Tight lines, Bob
  10. It was a balmy 20* this morning when I got up. I'm waiting until 10 am to head out... the frost may melt off my boat by then! Tight lines, Bob
  11. My first exposure to sickle hooks was on my annual Cape Cod fly fishing trip last spring. One of my striper fly fishing buddies who makes the trip every year is an excellent angler. On a particularly windy day, we were using spinning gear. He was casting a hair jig w/grub and I noticed the funny shape of the hook. "It's a sickle hook," he said, "once they're on, they don't get off!" Almost as soon as he finished saying it, he hooked a nice striper. After a short fight, the fish was off. The hook broke at the bend. Tight lines, Bob
  12. Back in the early 1900's, a resident on Lake George, NY built a big wooden "sea monster" out of a 10-foot long cedar log. He had it rigged with an anchor and rope system so he could make it surface and submerge. It was originally used for a practical joke on a fishing rival, but it created such a stir, the guy moved it around to different parts of the lake for more "sightings." The original is in a museum in Hague, NY and there is a replica at the Lake George museum. Google "Georgie, Lake George monster" for the whole story. Tight lines, Bob
  13. It works! This message notification came through, as well as one other before it. Thanks very much, Glenn. It makes the forums easier to enjoy. Tight lines, Bob
  14. Any kettle cooked Japeño flavored chip is fine with me. Salt and Vinegar next... Tight lines, Bob
  15. I got out again today. The weather was about ten degrees colder and the wind was about 10MPH calmer. The water temperature was a little over 43*. I hit the same spots with the same presentations and things were much different! At the first spot I always hit, I caught one small largemouth. I started off throwing a jig, then switched to a T-rigged Seiko. It was very cold in the morning and I got frustrated trying to fish a jig with gloves on. Yesterday I got nothing at that spot. At the next spot, where I picked up smallmouths yesterday, I got one nice largemouth. I got another one in my next spot. I was thinking it was weird how yesterday, I caught all smallmouths and today, all largemouths. Then I picked up a tiny smallie on a 1/2 oz. gold blade bait. I'm surprised he tried to eat it! I picked up one more small largemouth on a Ned Rig, and that was it. Twice, I lost fish I had on. One seemed small and the other, decent. Slow day. But it beat the heck out of working! I guess I'm just going to have to go out and try to do better tomorrow! That leaves me a rainy Thursday to winterize the boat, then, back to work on Friday. Tight lines, Bob
  16. I'd love to have one of the pole type retrievers. The only thing that holds me back is the thought of it taking up boat space... the ones I looked at don't collapse to a very short length at all. I know I'll have to break down and get one anyways. Today, I looked up with a tear in my eye at the Red Eye Shad I hung high in a cedar tree yesterday. It was glistening in the sun, taunting me. Tight lines, Bob
  17. To me, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are all about the STUFFING! Oyster stuffing, sausage stuffing, regular stuffing... it's all good! Tight lines, Bob
  18. I may give this a try. My big (old) Plano box has a spinnerbait rack on top but it doesn't hold many, and they tangle easily. CD wallets seem like a very space-efficient idea. Tight lines, Bob
  19. Nice! I hope the fish keep it bent for you. Tight lines, Bob
  20. Nice. There's not a lot of 15-35-foot water in my part of the lake (the very southern end). I got my smallies in surprisingly shallow water, mostly around the concrete buoy bases north of South Bay. I'm heading out in a little while to fish again today. It's supposed to be much less windy today. I'm waiting for the frost to melt off my boat. ;-) Tight lines, Bob
  21. Boats? I found boats! My screen shots are a lot coarser/grainier than the image on my Garmin 93SV.... The neat thing about finding boats where I fish is, the water is so muddy, it's likely they've never been seen before! Even the large boat in 8 feet of water is invisible from the surface. Tight lines, Bob
  22. Thanks A-Jay! I hate to see my season coming to an end, but on the other hand, I'm always looking forward to the next season. For me, that's ice fishing season! Tight lines, Bob
  23. Mono (Yo-Zuri Hybrid). Tight lines, Bob
  24. Santa, if you're reading this, please bring me a new Major Craft Volkey VKC 69ML/BFS. I'll be sure to leave a nice glass of scotch for you by the fireplace. Tight lines, Bob
  25. Yes! Did you see the news story about the bakery that's come up with a special Thanksgiving cake? It's three layers. The bottom layer is spice cake, with a whole apple pie baked inside. The middle layer is chocolate, with a whole pecan pie baked inside. I forgot what the top layer of cake is, but it has a pumpkin pie baked inside. That's one big cake, with three pies inside! The whole thing weighs 23 pounds and costs $250! I'd love to have one of those on my table for the holiday. Tight lines, Bob
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